The DiLEO VocabularyThe following list contains the vocabulary of DiLEO. Both lists, the first one for the entities and the second for the relationships, are organized in alphabetical order. EntitiesActivity (A): The set of critical actions performed for useful purposes of the evaluation. All activities have the purpose process evaluation data and to transform them to information. Age (hmnca): The feature that designates which age is a subject of human nature. Analyze (anlz): The
activity of analyzing evaluation data. Appellations (AP): The set of names and labels to identify constructs or refer to them in the ontology. Characteristics (CH): The set of distinctive and identifying features and properties. Compare (comp): The activity of comparing two evaluation data instances. Comparison Studies (cmst): Studies that collate features of dimensions with the help of specific means and metrics. Content (cnt): The set of digital assets in a digital library. Content Level (cntl): Τhe facet that denotes the content aspect of a digital library. Content Originated (cnto): The set of metrics that have their root of interest in digital library content. Cost (cst): The economic aspects of an evaluation. Count - Human Agents (hmncc): A set of subjects of human nature that took part in the evaluation. Count - Machine Agents (mcncc): The set of mechanical subjects in an evaluation. Criteria (C): The set of principles with which an object is evaluated. Criteria Categories (CC): Classes of criteria that coherently group them. Data (dat): The bitstream representation of an intellectual work. This representation can be in textual, visual, audio and their derivative formats. Describe (dscr): The goal to outline the state of the digital library in a given time fracture. Design (desg): The goal to forward the design of a digital library. Devices (devc): Technical devices that are needed to perform specific evaluation activities. Dimensions (D): The scope of evaluation activities, designated by the purpose, the means and the outcomes of the evaluation itself. Dimensions Type (DT): Types of dimensions designated by temporal characteristics. Discipline (hmncd): The feature that designates what is the scientific field of a subject of human nature. Document (docm): The goal to justify the actions performed in regard to the development or the operation of the digital library. Effectiveness (efct): The dimension that studies the outcomes of a process in regard to its inputs. Engineering Level (engl): Τhe facet that denotes the engineering aspect of a digital library. Experience - Human Agents (hmnce): The feature that designates how experienced is a subject of human nature. Expert Studies (exst): Studies that measure properties of dimensions from experienced evaluators. Factors (F): Variables that influence the process of evaluating a digital library. Factors are external to the operation of the digital library, but internal to the digital library project. Field Studies (flst): Studies that capture and/or measure data of subject and object activity in natural environments. Findings (FN): Data generated or discovered as a result of the evaluation process. Formative (fmtv): The type of dimension that designates a synchronous and parallel to the development of a digital library evaluation. Functionalities (fnc): The services provided by a digital library. Goals (G): The reasons to carry out an evaluation activity. It answers why one needs or wants to evaluate. All goals aim to improve the operation or the product. Human Agents (hmn): All acting entities of human nature in a digital library. Dileo:Human_Agents_Characteristics Human Agents Characteristics (hmnc): The set of distinctive and identifying features and characteristics of digital library subjects that have human nature. Individual Level (indl): Τhe facet that denotes the aspect of a single interacting entity of human nature. Infrastructure (ifr): A set of tools, software, equipment and facilities that was needed to perform an evaluation. Institutional Level (insl): Τhe facet that denotes the activities and the effects on an institutional unit. Instruments (I): The set of tools, artifacts or cognitive structures that facilitate some kind of activity. Interface Level (infl): Τhe facet that denotes the interface that carries the dialogue between subjects and the digital library. Interface (inf): The channel that carries the dialogue between subjects and the digital library. Interpret (intp): The activity of transforming evaluation data into information. Iterative (itrv): The type of dimension that designates the repetative nature of the evaluation. Laboratory Studies (lbst): Studies that capture and/or measure data of subject and object activity in controlled testing environments. Levels (L): The facet on which the evaluation focuses. These fields are in a layered form, representing different 'strata' that range from low level, technical, to high level, social. Levels in DiLEO are divided according to Saracevic’s listing. Logging Studies (lgst): Studies that capture data of subject and object activity via logging mechanisms. Machine Agents (mcn): All acting entities of mechanical nature in a digital library. dileo:Machine_Agents_Characteristics Machine Agents Characteristics (mcnc): The set of distinctive and identifying features and properties of digital library subjects that have mechanical nature. Means (M): The set of techniques and methods with which one subject collects and analyzes data, and reports information in an evaluation activity. Means Type (MT): The type of the means. Measure (mesr): The activity of measuring dimensions of the interaction of a subject with the object. Metadata (mdt): All relevant information to identify a unit of data. Metadata can be a) created by authority subjects, such as librarians, archivists and so on, b) dynmaically by the system in the form of search results, and c) by the subjects of the digital library in the forms of tags and annotations. Metrics (MTR): Measurement units that are needed to establish a distance between the two states, the expressed (actual) and the ideal (sought-after) one. Narrative Items (nrvi): Oral or written statements have instrumental role in evaluation studies. Object (O): The digital library system - and its partitions - of interest. Object Characteristics (och): The set of distinctive and identifying features and properties of digital library objects. Object Count (occ): The number of digital library objects in a digital library. Object identifier (obid): The identifier of a digital library object that is the focus of a particular study. Item Type - Object (oct): The feature of a digital library object that designates the type of a digital library object. Services Kind - Object (ock): The feature of a digital library functionality that designates its type. Operation (oprt): A concept representing actions within a digital library. Outcomes assessment (octa): The dimension that studies the impact of the digital library operation on a long-term basis. Perception metrics (prcm): The type of metrics that collect data about the perception that the subjects of a digital library express. Performance measurement (prfm): The dimension that studies the efficiency of a digital library system during its operation. Personnel (prs): The persons that were needed to perform an evaluation. Count - Personnel (prsc): The number of persons that were needed to perform an evaluation. Experience - Personnel (prse): The level of experience that persons performing an evaluation possess. Processing Level (prcl): Τhe facet that denotes the aspects of the processing functionalities and services in a digital library. Product (prdc): The concept that represents finished artifacts and software mechanisms in a digital library. Profession (hmncp): The feature that designates what is the professional property of a subject of human nature. Quantitative (qntv): The type of means employed in an evaluation that conforms to principles of quantitative research. Qualitative (qltv): The type of means employed in an evaluation that conforms to principles of qualitative research. Recommend (recm): The activity of forwarding specific suggestions of improvement based on evaluation information. Record (rcrd): The activity of capturing part or whole of the interaction of a subject with the object. Report (rprt): The activity of publishing information coming from an evaluation. Report Metrics (rptm): The type of metrics that collect data about facts that the subjects of a digital library report. Research Artifacts (rsar): Conceptual or apt artifacts that are needed to perform specific evaluation activities. Research Questions (RQ): The set of statements that guide the research design and frame the evaluation process. Role (mcncr): The role of a subject of mechanical nature. Scales (scal): The research construct that allows subject express preferences, perceptions or opinions in a structured way. Service Quality (srql): The dimension that studies how effective is perceived the delivery of services and deployment of functionalities from the subjects in a digital library. Sex (hmncx): The gender of the subjects taking part in the evaluation. Size (ocz): The feature of a digital library object that designates its proportions. Skills - Personnel (prss): The level of skills and competencies that persons performing an evaluation possess. Social Level (socl): Τhe facet that denotes the activities and the effects on social groups. Software (sftw): Software that is needed to perform specific evaluation activities. Specific Aims (spca): The set of criteria that have been developed in specific contexts and for case-specific purposes. Standards (stnd): The set of principles that ascertain a level of quality. Statistics (stat): Methods and techniques of quantitative data analysis. Study Identifier (stid): The unique identifier in the DiLEO knowledge base for a single publication. Study Reference (strf): Information needed to identify the study in terms of bibliographical description. Subject (S): The entities that participate in the evaluation activity as essential constituents of the operation or the product. Subjects are indirectly assessed, as every kind of recording oughts to reflect to system or content improvements. Subject Characteristics (sch): The set of distinctive and identifying features and properties of digital library subjects. Summative (smtv): The type of dimension that designates an evaluation in the conclusion of the development of a digital library or during its actual operation. Survey Studies (svst): Studies that capture and/or measure data of subject activity or preference. System (stm): The sum of all parts of the digital library system. System Originated (stmo): The set of metrics that have their root of interest in digital library system. Technical Excellence (tecx): The dimension that studies the aspects of improvement in the design of a digital library. Technology (tec): The technological artifacts that comprise of the digital library in a technical level. Time (tim): The time that was needed to perform an evaluation. Toolkits (tlkt): The set of means and instruments for benchmarking and comparison of certain objects. Use of Content (uoc): The operation of the digital library content by a subject. Use of Data (uocdat): The operation of the digital library data by a subject. Use of Functionalities (uosfnc): The operation of the digital library services by a subject. Use of Interface (uosinf): The operation of the digital library interface by a subject. Use of Metadata (uocmtd): The operation of the digital library metadata by a subject. Use of System (uos): The operation of the digital library system by a subject. Use of Technology (uostec): The operation of the digital library technological infrastructure by a subject. User Originated (usro): The set of metrics that have their root of interest in digital library subjects of human nature. Relationshipsdileo:isCitedIn dileo:hasDimensionsType dileo:isAffecting dileo:hasConstituent dileo:isSupporting dileo:hasPerformed dileo:hasSelected dileo:hasMeansType dileo:isMeasuredBy dileo:hasInitiatedFrom dileo:isUsedIn dileo:isCharacterizing dileo:isGrouped dileo:isReportedIn dileo:isReferringTo dileo:isStudying dileo:isFocusingOn dileo:isAimingAt dileo:isAddressing dileo:isDependingOn dileo:isAppliedTo dileo:isOperatedBy dileo:isParticipatingIn dileo:isDecomposedTo dileo:isSubjectTo dileo:isReflectedOn dileo:isPresupposing Contact:Giannis Tsakonas [john-at-lis-dot-upatras-dot-gr]
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