The International Conference of European University Museums, entitled "Postmodern University Museums and the Digital Era", held online and organized by the Museum of the Ionian University, was successfully concluded on Thursday evening, June 2, 2022. The conference was welcomed by the Rector of the Ionian University, Prof. Andreas Floros, the President of the Committee on University Museums of the International Council of Museums (UMAC) Dr. Marta C. Lourenço, the Director of the University Research Centre of the Ionian University, Prof. Panagiotis Vlamos, and the Director of the Museum of the Ionian University, Associate Prof. Stavros Vlizos.
Among the participants were executives from ten European university museums that are distinguished for their rich research work, their contribution to the extroversion of their collections and their innovative interventions in terms of collaborations, programmes and museum policy. A creative dialogue was established to bridge communication and exchange good practices in the development of innovative actions and sustainability. Speakers from the university museums of Tartu, Helsinki, Cambridge, Hamburg, Hamburg, Matterata, Belgrade, Belgrade, Patras, Heraklion and Corfu presented their research in the following thematic sections:
- Postmodern University Museums and the Digital Era
- Managing University Museums
- University Museums and interdisciplinarity
- Innovative and participatory approaches towards society
The conference proceedings have been recorded and are available for free on the official channel of the Ionian University Museum on YouTube
Relevant material and information about the conference, the programme and the speakers, including the recorded presentations are available on the conference website
The conference was kindly sponsored and supported by the Rothschild Foundation and the Ionian University.