Student News
Call for Volunteers of the 18th Audiovisual Arts Festival
Posted: 27-03-2025 11:36 | Views: 519
Start: 27-03-2025 |End: 11-04-2025
[In Progress]
The Steering Committee of the 18th Audiovisual Arts Festival (#AVfest2025) of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, in collaboration with the ERHMEE Lab - Department of Music Studies, of the Ionian University invites students and anyone who is interested in joining the volunteers’ team. Volunteer registration deadline: 11 April 2025
New inter-institutional/inter-departmental foreign language postgraduate study program MSc "Field Archaeology in Greece and Cutting Edge Technologies"
Posted: 05-03-2025 11:42 | Views: 777
The University of Thessaly (Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology), the Ionian University (Department of History) and the Roma Tre University (Department of Studi Umanistici) collaborated to create a joint English-language postgraduate (MSc) program in Field Archaeology in Greece, combining a truly interdisciplinary approach with applied cutting-edge technologies.
Ionian University Welcomes First Cohort of MARes in Hybrid Arts Students
Posted: 28-01-2025 20:44 | Views: 999
The Ionian University’s Department of Audio and Visual Arts is pleased to announce the successful selection of candidates for the inaugural Master of Research (MARes) in Hybrid Arts program for the academic year 2024–2025. Classes are set to begin on Monday, 3 February 2025, marking the start of an innovative program that explores the dynamic intersections of art, science, and technology.
Gym of the Ionian University: 1st Hike - 16/02/2025
Posted: 27-01-2025 13:40 | Views: 2629
Important Date: 16-02-2025
The University Gym of the Ionian University will hold its first hike on Sunday 16/02/2025, in the area of Nymphes. Those interested can register on the days and times of the program, to the responsible teachers or upon request with the hiking manager Angeliki Mavropoulou. Due to limited places, a strict first-come, first-served order will be observed.
Gym of the Ionian University: Successfully held the 1st University Sports Championship
Posted: 10-12-2024 13:15 | Views: 762
The 1st University Athletics Championship of the Ionian University was successfully held. The students who took part showed their skills to participate in other future events that will be held outside the island.
Gym of the Ionian University: Panhellenic Interuniversity Chess Championships 2024
Posted: 09-12-2024 17:19 | Views: 1989
Start: 09-12-2024 |End: 16-12-2024
The Panteion University, the Municipality of Kallithea, the Kallithea Chess Club and the Korydallos Chess Club, announce the Panhellenic Inter-University Chess Championships 2024. Specifically, two events will be held, the Individual Inter-University Chess Championships 2024 and the Team Inter-University "Planted" Chess Championships 2024, on 19 December 2024 in Athens.
Ionian University: Announcement of a New Master of Arts by Research Program in Hybrid Arts 2024-2025 – Extended Submission Deadline December 10, 2024 (14:00)
Posted: 04-11-2024 17:28 | Updated: 26-11-2024 11:21 | Views: 2245
Start: 04-11-2024 |End: 10-12-2024
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts at the Ionian University’s School of Music and Audiovisual Arts is announcing the new Master of Arts by Research Program (MARes) in Hybrid Arts for the academic year 2024-2025. Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications exclusively online at by December 10th, 2024, 14:00.
Gym of the Ionian University: 1st University Sports Championship
Posted: 22-11-2024 17:30 | Updated: 22-11-2024 17:38 | Views: 2854
Start: 22-11-2024 |End: 06-12-2024
The University Gym, organizes the 1st University Sports Championship for all departments of the Ionian University, in the context of getting acquainted with some of the sports that exist in the University Gymnasium and invites all students to take part.
Launch of Interdepartmental Courses on Chinese Philosophy and Culture at the Ionian University
Posted: 22-10-2024 16:21 | Updated: 23-10-2024 10:37 | Views: 3361
The Ionian University announces the launch of its first interdepartmental courses on Chinese philosophy and culture, a significant milestone in the academic development of the institution and of the internationalization procedure of the Greek public universities.
Participation of the AVARTS team of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts in the exhibition Platforms Projects 2024
Posted: 30-09-2024 17:03 | Views: 3405
Start: 10-10-2024 |End: 13-10-2024
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University participates through the Postgraduate Program in Audiovisual Arts in the Digital Age, and the AVARTS team, in the annual exhibition Platforms Projects - Independent Art Fair 2024, which will take place October 10-13, 2024, in Athens.
Online Translating Europe Workshop "AI Τranslation vs Ηuman Τranslation: Τraining Perspectives and the Impact on the Translation Profession"
Posted: 17-09-2024 19:16 | Views: 3908
The Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting (DFLTI) at the Ionian University in Greece and the European Commission co-organise an online Translating Europe Workshop (TEW) on Tuesday, October 8 2024 under the title "AI Τranslation vs Ηuman Τranslation: Τraining Perspectives and the Impact on the Translation Profession".
[Professional Development Programme] 'Piano Pedagogy and Contemporary Approaches: Improvisation, Group Piano, Inclusion, Contemporary Repertoire, Child Psychology and Piano Pedagogy" [4th cycle, 2024-2025]
Posted: 26-08-2024 16:11 | Views: 2372
Start: 26-08-2024 |End: 30-09-2024
Scientific Supervisor: Athena Fytika -
Registration Deadline: 30-09-2024 -
Course Period: 01-10-2024 to 31-05-2025.
Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Posted: 21-06-2024 14:33 | Views: 24258
Start: 01-10-2024 |End: 26-09-2025
[In Progress]
The academic calendar for the year 2024-2025 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
Welcome day for Incoming Erasmus Students – Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
Posted: 12-03-2024 11:16 | Updated: 12-03-2024 13:49 | Views: 1985
Important Date: 19-03-2024
Ionian University welcomes Incoming Erasmus students for the 2023-2024 academic year- Spring Semester 2024, on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024, at Ionian University (72, I. Theotoki Street) at 12:00 pm.
Ionian University’s International Mobility in Erasmus+
Posted: 21-11-2023 12:32 | Views: 29454
Ionian University’s proposal was evaluated from the State Scholarship Foundation Erasmus+ and got approval of Funding (Grand Award Decision) in accordance with the results of the qualitative assessment for the whole part of the action ICM KA171/2023.
Online meeting between KEDIVIM and the Alumni Association of the Ionian University
Posted: 23-10-2023 13:47 | Views: 2480
An online meeting via Zoom between Professor Ilias Yarenis, Vice Rector and President of the KEDIVIM of the Ionian University, and Mr Angelos Kostaras, President of the Alumni Association of the Ionian University, took place.
Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day
Posted: 13-10-2023 09:22 | Views: 8824
On Tuesday, 10th October 2023, the Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day 2023-2024 was successfully held on the premises of the Ionian University Library.
Welcome Day for incoming Erasmus students: 10 October 2023
Posted: 19-09-2023 17:53 | Updated: 06-10-2023 12:25 | Views: 3592
Important Date: 10-10-2023
Ionian University welcomes incoming Erasmus students for the 2023-2024 academic year on the 10th October 2023 at Ionian University Library (I.Theotoki 72) at 11:00. Event is organized by Ionian University and I.U. International and Public Relations Office.
[Professional Development Programme] 'Piano Pedagogy and Contemporary Approaches: Improvisation, Group Piano, Inclusion, Contemporary Repertoire, Child Psychology and Piano Pedagogy" [3rd cycle, 2023-2024]
Posted: 12-07-2023 10:53 | Views: 3828
Start: 12-07-2023 |End: 30-09-2023
[Professional Development Programme] 'Piano Pedagogy and Contemporary Approaches: Improvisation, Group Piano, Inclusion, Contemporary Repertoire, Child Psychology and Piano Pedagogy" [3rd cycle, 2023-2024] Registration Deadline: 30-09-2023