The virtual kick-off meeting of NITRO research project (Connected 5G-IoT Cyber Range for Training and Secure Operations), with the Technical Coordinator Assistant Professor Christoforos Ntantogian from the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University, was held on January 30 2024. The meeting was also attended by Professor Emmanouil Magkos and Postdoc researcher Stylianos Karagiannis. The NITRO project is funded by Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) framework and its basic objectives are:
- The design and implementation of a cyber range platform for training and testing the security of 5G wireless networks and Internet of Things (IoT), with the simulation of advanced cyberattack scenarios.
- NITRO will deliver a novel set of exercises that consider adversarial AI attacks and their detection, contributing in this way in this emerging interdisciplinary field of AI and cybersecurity.
- Implementation of an anonymization layer for the secure storage of trainees' data, as well as capabilities for hosting and running Capture the Flag and Defend the Flag security competitions.
- Pilots with the Hellenic Cyber Security Team (ECSC Team Greece) which has been actively participating in the European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC).
Consortium partners are University of Piraeus (Greece), Ionian University (Greece), Uni Systems (Luxemburg), Ubitech (Cyprus), Hellenic Cybersecurity Institute (Greece)