Call for Papers
Special track on Metadata & Semantics for Cultural Collections & Applications /
Part of the 6th International Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research (MTSR 2012), 28-30 November 2012 - Cadiz, Spain ( ).
Submission deadline: July 20th, 2012
Proceedings will be published in Springer CCIS series
Cultural heritage collections are essential knowledge infrastructures that provide a solid representation of the historical background of human communities, the development of their linguistic idioms and artistic expression, while they constitute important instruments for the social and ethnic cohesion.
The aim of this Special Track is to document the state-of-the-art in technologies and issues around cultural collections and back-end infrastructures. The objective is to generate a forum in which researchers and scientists that are working on relevant issues and applications to come together, meet and exchange ideas about the main open issues, so that more effective progress can be made in this area.
The papers in this special track should be original and of high quality, addressing issues in areas such as:
- Cultural heritage metadata models and standards
- Collection models and item - collection relationships representation
- Collection - level metadata modeling and management
- Ontologies and knowledge representation for the cultural heritage domain
- Linked open data approaches for the cultural heritage domain
- Composite content-discovery and management of components and interrelationships
- Automated generation of metadata, especially for non-textual resources
- Large volume content management - high resolution image data sets
- 3D models-indexing, storage and retrieval approaches
- Federation of repositories/data infrastructures
- Integration of heterogeneous resources
- Infrastructures for sharing content
- Policy enforcement
- Digital Curation workflows and models
- Preservation metadata for cultural heritage digital objects
- Metadata quality metrics
- Case studies
Authors can submit either full papers (12 pages) or short papers (6 pages) in LNCS format ( ).
The submitted papers will undergo the same peer review as the submissions for MTSR2012 and accepted contributions will be published in the MTSR proceedings (Springer CCIS series).
July 20th, 2012: paper submission
September 1st, 2012: acceptance/rejection notification
September 15th, 2012: camera-ready papers due
November 28 - 30th, 2012: MTSR 2012
Manolis Gergatsoulis, Dept. Archives and Library Science, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece (
Carlo Meghini, Institute of Information Science and Technology "Alessandro Faedo", National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR), Pisa, Italy (
Christos Papatheodorou, Dept. Archives and Library Science, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece and Digital Curation Unit, Institute for the Management of Information Systems, "Athena" Research Centre, Athens, Greece (
Costis Dallas, Panteion University and Digital Curation Unit, IMIS, Athena RC, Greece
Makx Dekkers, Independent consultant, Spain
Stefan Gradmann, Humboldt University, Germany
Antoine Isaac, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Maria Emilia Masci, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy
Christian-Emile Ore, University of Oslo, Norway
Michalis Sfakakis, National Documentation Centre, Greece
Stephen Stead, Paveprime Ltd., UK
Chrisa Tsinaraki, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Douglas Tudhope, University of Glamorgan, UK
Special track on Metadata and Semantics for Cultural Collections and Applications |
Posted: 06-06-2012 16:46 | Views: 3601
Start: 06-06-2012 |End: 20-07-2012
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