All News
ADRIATinn project Final Conference
Posted: 07-09-2016 12:57 | Views: 5587
Start: 21-09-2016 |End: 23-09-2016
Informative workshop dialogue
Posted: 06-07-2016 10:51 | Views: 6635
Important Date: 06-07-2016
Scientific Conference for Antonis Samarakis [Ionian Academy, 2-3/4/16]
Posted: 23-03-2016 11:45 | Views: 4161
Start: 02-04-2016 |End: 03-04-2016
R. Ascott, Stelarc & M. Danezis: keynote speakers at the Ionian University Conference
Posted: 25-02-2016 18:36 | Updated: 28-02-2016 19:37 | Views: 14060
Start: 20-05-2016 |End: 22-05-2016
Groundbreaking pioneers of contemporary art and science will be this year’s keynote speakers for the international interdisciplinary conference of the Ionian University taking place in Corfu: British Roy Ascott, Australian with Cypriot origin Stelarc, (both winners of "Golden Nica" at Ars Electronica), and Greek astrophysicist Dr Manos Danezis.
7th Conference on Information Law and Ethics [Pretoria, 22-23/2/16]
Posted: 23-03-2015 15:36 | Updated: 01-12-2015 18:42 | Views: 8154
Start: 22-02-2016 |End: 23-02-2016
The 7th International Conference on Information Law is co-organized by the Ionian University, African Centre of Excellence on Information Ethics, University of Pretoria and the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT). Place: Pretoria. Date: February 22-23, 2016. Abstracts deadline: 15.10.2015. Notification of abstracts acceptance: 15.11.2015. Full papers deadline: 15.1.2016.
2nd International Conference on "Creative Writing", 1-4/10/2015, Corfu
Posted: 24-03-2015 13:15 | Updated: 14-09-2015 10:36 | Views: 10722
Start: 01-10-2015 |End: 04-10-2015
The Postgraduate Programme of "Creative Writing" of the University of Western Macedonia in cooperation with the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology as weel as the Regional Directorate of Primary andSecondary Education of the Ionian Islands are glad to announce the organisation of the 2nd International Conference on "Creative Writing" from October, 1st to October 4th, 2015, in Corfu, Ionian University.
IISA 2015 - 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications
Posted: 06-07-2015 13:44 | Views: 7052
Start: 06-07-2015 |End: 08-07-2015
Information is widely available and accessible, but frequently leads to information overload and overexposure, while the effort for coding, storing, hiding, securing, transmitting and retrieving it may be excessive. Intelligence is required to manage information and extract knowledge from it, inspired by biological and other paradigms.
Multimedia Systems and Networks, with an increasing level (...)
6th European Symposium on Ultrasonic Characterization of Bone (ESUCB 2015)
Posted: 01-06-2015 13:59 | Updated: 03-06-2015 12:06 | Views: 4242
Important Date: 13-06-2015
The 6th European Symposium on Ultrasonic Characterization of Bone (ESUCB 2015) is organized at the Ionian Academy of Corfu, Greece, in June 10-12 2015.
10th Jubilee Conference + Workshop “Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage”
Posted: 20-11-2014 22:09 | Views: 5363
Start: 27-05-2015 |End: 29-05-2015
The 10th Jubilee Conference + Workshop Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, organised by the ICA Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage will be held in Corfu, 27-29 May 2015 co-organised and hosted by the History Department of the Ionian University, in cooperation with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Cartoheritage Group, in association with the Commission (...)
Medical Responsibility and Biothics Conference 2015
Posted: 15-10-2014 15:07 | Views: 3749
Start: 16-01-2015 |End: 17-01-2015
Black Sea Project: Third Conference, Istanbul [23-26/10/2014]
Posted: 01-06-2014 10:43 | Updated: 13-10-2014 12:28 | Views: 4882
Start: 23-10-2014 |End: 26-10-2014
The Third Conference of the Black Sea Project, The Economic and Social Development of the Port–Cities of the Southern Black Sea Coast, Late 18th – Beginning of the 20th century will take place in Istanbul in late October 2014 (23-26 October 2014).
6th Conference on Informatics in Education [10-12/10/2014]
Posted: 16-09-2014 12:58 | Updated: 10-10-2014 10:02 | Views: 4584
Start: 10-10-2014 |End: 12-10-2014
The 6th Conference on Informatics in Education (6th CIE2014) is co-organized by the Department of Informatics of the University of Pireaus and the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University.
The Conference will take place at Corfu, at the premises of the Ionian University, 10-12 of October 2014.Conference's official website: (...)
Elena Hamalidi as keynote speaker for the PDW for Arts and Culture 2014
Posted: 23-09-2014 17:11 | Views: 6364
Start: 02-10-2014 |End: 04-10-2014
International Conference The Adriatic Olive Grove [18-20/6/14]
Posted: 13-06-2014 19:43 | Views: 3894
Start: 18-06-2014 |End: 20-06-2014
The department of Archives, Library Science and Museology of the Ionian University organizes the International Conference “The Adriatic Olive Grove: Risk Prevention, Sustainability, Learning” that will be held in June 18-20 2014 on the island of Corfu, Greece. Abstracts due: May 25, 2014.
Black Sea Project: Second Conference, Constanţa [27/5-1/06/2014]
Posted: 23-05-2014 12:06 | Views: 5343
Start: 27-05-2014 |End: 01-06-2014
The Second Conference of the Black Sea Project, The Economic and Social Development of the Port–Cities of the Northern Black Sea Coast, Late 18th – Beginning of the 20th century will take place in Constanţa in late May 2014 (27 May – 1 June).
Thalis Programme: First Conference of the Black Sea Project, Odessa [22-27/09/2013]
Posted: 19-09-2013 14:39 | Views: 4973
Start: 22-09-2013 |End: 27-09-2013
The First Conference of the Black Sea Project, The Economic and Social Development of the Port-Cities of the Northern Black Sea Coast, Late 18th –Beginning of the 20th century will take place in Odessa during 22-27 September 2013.
Conference: Medical Responsibility and Bioethics ΙΙ - Athens, March 14th and 15th, 2014
Posted: 28-07-2013 16:31 | Views: 3405
Start: 14-03-2014 |End: 15-03-2014
DALS: Seminar/Conference on «Scientometrics»
Posted: 04-04-2013 15:39 | Views: 3930
Start: 22-04-2013 |End: 24-04-2013
Τhe Ionian University, Department of Archives and library Science and INSEIT (the International Societyon Ethics and Information Technology) plans to organize a Special Seminar on Scientometrics in Corfu, in April 2013 (22-24, April 2013).
Department of Archives and Library Sciences: Information History Conference [24-25/5/2013]
Posted: 28-02-2013 13:30 | Views: 3591
Start: 24-05-2013 |End: 25-05-2013
Interdisciplinary Conference: Medical Responsibility and Bioethics - Athens, March 1-2, 2013
Posted: 27-02-2013 19:36 | Views: 3278
Start: 01-03-2013 |End: 02-03-2013