The University’s laboratories aim at the development of academic research and the promotion of knowledge in their field of expertise. Their activity is based on the fundamental concept of the research-education interrelation and their main goal is to support the graduate and postgraduate studies at the Ionian University.
More specifically, the laboratories aim at the following: a) Production of educational material and teaching aids in order to support research, teaching and academic knowledge updating.
b) Organising activities and events to facilitate the connection of teaching with academic research.
c) Conducting research, seminars and studies.
d) Collaboration with research centres, institutions and universities in Greece and abroad.
e) Initiatives for the promotion of the connection of the Ionian University with the local community.

a) Formal Laboratories
Department of History
- Laboratory of History Documentation and Mediterranean World Research
- Laboratory of Modern History Documentation
- Laboratory for the Study of the Ancient World
Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting
- Laboratory for the Translation of Greek Literature (LTGL)
- Laboratory for Economic, Legal, Political and Technical Translation (LLePoTT)Laboratory Director: Assoc. Professor Michalis Politis
Address: 1, Rizospaston Voulefton str.,Corfu 49100, Greece
Tel.: 26610-82102 & 26610-87206
Fax: 26610-44145
Email: - Laboratory of Geopolitical Analyses (GeoLab) Laboratory Director: Professor Stavros A. Katsios
Asklipios Building, 7 Tsirigoti Square, 49100 Corfu, Greece
Tel.: +30 26610-82180
Department of Archives, Library Science and Museum Studies
- Laboratory on Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing
- Laboratory for the Documentation of Cultural and Historic Heritage Laboratory Director: Professor Theodoros Pappas
Address: Plateia Eleftherias, Palaia Anaktora, 49100 Κέρκυρα
Tel.: 26610-87401
Email: - Laboratory of Information Technologies
- Museology Research Laboratory Laboratory Director: Associate Professor Georgios Papaioannou
Address: Office No 15 (2nd floor), Ioannou Theotoki Str., Corfu, GR-49100
Tel.: 2661087403
Department of Informatics
- Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab (BiHELab) Laboratory Director: Associate Professor Vasileios Karyotis
Address: 7 Tsirigoti Square, Corfu, 49100
The Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab focus on recent advances in geriatrics and neurodegeneration, ranging from basic science to clinical and pharmaceutical developments. BiHELab’s goal is to help bridge the translational gap from data to models and from models to drug discovery and personalized therapy by fostering collaborations and developing original quantitative approaches to biological and clinical problems. - Information Systems and Databases Laboratory (ISDLab) Laboratory Director: Professor Panagiotis Kourouthanassis
Address: 7 Tsirigoti Square, Corfu, 49100
The ISD-Lab of our department supports both educational and research needs of the Department of Informatics, as well as other departments of the Ionian University, related to information systems and databases. The main focus of the Information Systems research actions is on: Management Information Systems (MIS), Strategic Decision Making, Business Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Executive Information Systems. - Networks, Multimedia and Security Systems Laboratory (NMSLab) Laboratory Director: Professor Emmanouil (Manos) Magkos
Address: 7 Tsirigoti Square, Corfu, 49100
The Networks, Multimedia and Security Systems Laboratory (NMSLab) supports both educational and research needs of the Department of Informatics, as well as other departments of the Ionian University, related to computer networks, multimedia and security. - Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory (HILab) Laboratory Director: Associate Professor Katia - Lida Kermanidis
Address: 7, Tsirigoti Square, Corfu, 49100
The Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory interests lie within educational, research and development activities in the areas of Cultural Informatics, Music Informatics, History Informatics, Computational Linguistics, Game Software Design and Development, Multimedia, Virtual Reality, Image Processing, ICT in Education, Knowledge Representation and Management, Computer-supported Cooperative Systems, Digital Media. - Computational Modeling Lab (CMODLab)Laboratory Director: Associate Professor Markos Avlonitis
Address: 7, Tsirigoti Square, Corfu, 49100
The Computer Modeling Laboratory [CMODLab] is based in the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University and is created to cover the educational and research activities of students and staff of the Department in the following subjects: Interdisciplinary fields of Informatics and in particular in the field of Applied Stochastic Models to state-of-the-art complex systems problems, knowledge Management Technologies and Digital Audio and Video Processing Technologies, stochastic User Data Analysis, stochastic Dynamic Variation Prediction Models, stochastic Data Analysis and Stochastic Models for Ecology, Biodiversity, Precision Agriculture and Natural Disaster Studies.
Department of Audio and Visual Arts
- Laboratory of Interactive Arts - InArts Laboratory Director: Assoc. Professor Dalila Honorato
Address: 7 Tsirigoti Square, Corfu, 49100
Email: - Audiovisual Signal Processing Laboratory - EP.O.A.SI Laboratory Director: Assoc. Professor Michail Panagopoulos
Address: 7 Tsirigoti Square, Corfu, 49100
Email: - Performative Environments in the Arts Research Laboratory - PEARL Laboratory Director: Professor Ioannis Zannos
Address: 7 Tsirigoti Square, Corfu, 49100 - Applied Music Acoustics and Oscillations Laboratory Laboratory Director: Associate Professor Dionysios Katerelos
Department of Music Studies
- Hellenic Music Research Lab Laboratory Director: Professor Charalampos Xanthoudakis
Address: Old Fortress, Office 208, 49100 Corfu, Greece
Tel.: 26610-87537 & 26610-87115
Fax: 26610-87573
Email: - Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory Laboratory Director: Associate Professor Andreas Mniestris
Address: Old Fortress, 49100 Corfu, Greece
Tel.: 26610-87523
Fax: 26610-24995
Email: - Laboratory of Early Music Laboratory Director: Associate Professor Miranda Kaldi
Address: Old Fortress, 49100 Corfu, Greece
Tel.: 26610-87501
Fax: 26610-24995
Department of Environment
- Environmental Management and Sustainable Development Lab
- Mathematical Physics and Computational Statistics Research LabThe "Mathematical Physics and Computational Statistics” Research Laboratory (ΜΑ.ΦΥ.ΥΠ.ΣΤ.) was founded in October 2020 at the Department of Environment of the Ionian University (Greek Government Gazette 4597 / 19-10-2020 B '). The aim and scope of the Laboratory is the promotion of scientific research, with emphasis on excellence, as well as the support of teaching, in the field of Mathematical Physics and Computational Statistics using powerful programming platforms such as MaTLab, Mathematica, MapleSoft, R etc.
- Software Engineering and Applications of Geoinformatics Lab The research laboratory «Software Engineering and Applications of Geoinformatics» called «ΤΕ.Λ.Ε.ΓΕ.», was established in the Department of Environment in Ionian university through ΦΕΚ 2669/1-7-2020 issue Β'. The laboratory aims to promote scientific research, with an emphasis on excellence, and support teaching in the broader field of Software Engineering and Applications of Geoinformatics.
- Environmental Physics, Energy and Environmental Biology Lab
- Chemistry and Environmental Protection Lab