A few words from Mimis Plessas himself about the Jazz Trio “Three Generations”:
"I often had the joy to work with Greek musicians who represent younger generations and I was impressed by their maturity and technique. We’ve met with Vasilis Rakopoulos and Antonis Ladopoulos in separate recording sessions. Honored by their proposal to play with them, I have not only accepted but also spontaneously thought : Three generations! ..where the oldest one should study and be as good, in this new musical experiment that we finally called “Three Generations”."
The trio will feature compositions by Mr Plessas as well as Greek songs arranged and performed under an improvisational Jazz perspective.
Price: 10.00€
Date: 26/07/2007
Time: 21:00
Location: Art Cafe
Three Generations |
Posted: 26-07-2007 09:45 | Views: 4590
Important Date: 26-07-2007

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