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Message from Rector Professor Andreas Floros on the importance of vaccination
Posted: 09-07-2021 17:51 | Views: 17524
The desire to start a "normal" new year is strong. For this reason, we urge all students and staff to be vaccinated, if they have not already done so, and in this way to strengthen the hope of returning to the desired academic normalcy. Safely, individually and collectively.
Operation of the Library and Information Centre until June, 28th, 2021
Posted: 24-05-2021 09:43 | Views: 14376
An Easter gift by Jstor!
Posted: 10-05-2021 10:34 | Updated: 12-05-2021 07:46 | Views: 14659
Important Date: 30-06-2022
Against Coronavirus Misinformation: a new video by Ionian University Library...
Posted: 16-11-2020 09:00 | Views: 14521
Suspension of the Library and Information Centre operation until May, 24th, 2021
Posted: 06-11-2020 09:54 | Views: 12743
Library Report for the period that was suspended due to coronavirus
Posted: 02-09-2020 12:41 | Views: 3705
" Postponement of Erasmus+Mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester 2020-21"
Posted: 24-07-2020 14:43 | Views: 18221
The Academic Senate of Ionian University (Corfu, Greece) has made the difficult decision to postpone all incoming and outgoing mobilities scheduled for the Winter Semester of the academic year 2020-2021 to the next Spring Semester or the next academic year, due to COVID-19.
We believe this decision is in the best interest of the students given the current circumstances, and truly hope that (...)
Announcement on Cancelling the 3rd International Conference DCAC 2020 (Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges)
Posted: 17-03-2020 01:08 | Views: 28324
Considering the ongoing spread of SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus) all over the World and under these unforeseen circumstances, the Organizing Committee of the DCAC 2020 is forced to announce the cancellation of the conference.
Announcement on COVID-19 for Erasmus+ incoming students and staff in Ionian University
Posted: 13-03-2020 22:01 | Views: 18667
Following the recent developments on COVID-19 current outbreak, we would like to inform you that for the moment no cases have been confirmed inside the academic community of Ionian University. However, Ionian University is undertaking specific preventative measures based on the Ministerial decisions issued on the temporary closure of all schools and universities in the country.
Modern Greek Music: History and Historiography Issues [Corfu, 13-15 March 2020]
Posted: 12-04-2019 11:35 | Updated: 04-03-2020 00:01 | Views: 12873
Start: 13-03-2020 |End: 15-03-2020
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Spyros Motsenigos and attempting to highlight the thorough research in the field of Modern Greek Music, the Laboratory of Greek Music of the Department of Music Studies at Ionian University and the Philharmonic Society of Corfu co-organize the scientific conference "Modern Greek Music: History and Historiography Issues" in Corfu from 13 to 15 March 2020. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 1 December 2019.
Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science (November 26–28, 2020): Submission deadline extended
Posted: 30-03-2019 17:46 | Views: 14122
Start: 11-10-2019 |End: 28-11-2020
Τhe fourth international conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" will take place November 26–28, 2020, exclusively online as TTT2020 Vienna/Online, an umbilical cord between what would be and what it is.