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Museum of the Ionian University: Together we design and build Corfu’s new School Museum!
Posted: 01-02-2020 20:47 | Views: 4167
Important Date: 12-02-2020
The Museum of the Ionian University invites you to actively contribute to the first meeting and discussion relating to the re-exhibition of the School Museum of Corfu on Wednesday, 12 February 2020, at 19:00 in room 2.39 of DALSM, 72 Theotoki Str .
Department of Audio & Visual Arts selected to host Greek Diaspora Fellow
Posted: 23-12-2019 14:16 | Views: 3936
Ionian University / Dept. of Audio & Visual Arts was selected by the Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program (GDFP) to host an scholar from Canada to work with on a collaborative project on Game Audio, Sound Design and Augmented Reality Audio. Professor Andreas Floros will lead the project, together with Prof. Bill Kapralos, a Fellow from University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Ontario, Canada.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Posted: 16-12-2019 23:03 | Views: 4542
Season's greetings from the Ionian University Rectorate!
ICONA 2019 successfully completed and announcement of awards
Posted: 02-12-2019 15:05 | Views: 5810
The first Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019, organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University (within the framework of the CIAK Intereg program) took place in Corfu from the 29th of November until the 1st of December 2019.
First Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019 - Official Selection
Posted: 15-11-2019 17:04 | Views: 5613
The first Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019, organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University within the framework of the CIAK Interreg program under the scientific supervision of Assistant Professor Michalis Panagopoulos, had a great participation with almost 1.000 submissions of movies. Although competition was fierce, the committee's work was successfully completed with a selection of 135 films - 72 short films and 63 student films – from 48 countries.
ebook conference proceedings Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2018
Posted: 01-11-2019 16:58 | Updated: 01-11-2019 21:07 | Views: 6108
The ebook with the proceedings of the interdisciplinary conference Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2018 was published by the Ionian University - Department of Audio & Visual Arts in November 2019. This digital publication includes 20 contributions, in English, proposed and accepted by the scientific and artistic committee of TTT2018. Edited by Dalila Honorato, María Antonia González Valerio, Marta de Menezes and Andreas Giannakoulopoulos, this is the second and main core of the presentations of TTT2018.
Museum of the Ionian University website [beta version]
Posted: 30-10-2019 11:30 | Views: 2939
The website of the Museum of the Ionian University has gone live! The website contains general information about the Museum, its collections as well as topics/aspects related to educational work, academic research and volunteering.
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019
Posted: 20-09-2019 18:23 | Updated: 23-10-2019 19:40 | Views: 11888
Start: 20-09-2019 |End: 01-12-2019
Attached files
    ICONA 2019 - Statuses and Rules
Size: 89.55 KB :: Type: PDF document
The aim of the first Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019, which is organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University (within the framework of the CIAK Intereg program) is to present the best from the field of animation from all around the world. The festival also aims to preserve and help develop the cultural heritage of short animated film, contribute to creation of new films, provide ground for potential international co-productions and encourage dialogue between professionals, filmmakers and the public.
4th International Conference in Economic and Social History "Varieties of Capitalism in the Mediterranean (18th-20th c.)" - Call for papers and sessions
Posted: 10-10-2019 11:37 | Views: 7289
The Greek Economic History Association in collaboration with the Department of History of the Ionian University, organizes the 4th International Conference in Economic and Social History in Corfu on 1-3 October 2020.
Experimental laboratories of ethnoarchaeology
Posted: 07-10-2019 11:12 | Views: 6383
Organized by the Dept. of History of the Ionian University, in the framework of the Interreg Program FISH&CHIPS
Summer holidays 2019
Posted: 01-07-2019 15:41 | Updated: 26-07-2019 18:00 | Views: 10763
The summer holidays period for the administrative services of the Ionian University will last until August 20th, 2019. Happy holidays!
KEDIVIM: Message of the President Professor Th. Pappas on the opening of the Centre
Posted: 19-07-2019 13:15 | Views: 8696
The KEDIVIM of the Ionian University aims to connect the University with the people of science and culture and its interaction with citizens, in a way that satisfies the real needs of society for continuous education and professional upgrading.
New website for International & Public Relations Department
Posted: 02-07-2019 13:50 | Views: 20755
International & Public Relations Department of the Ionian University has new and modern website. In the sections of the new website one can find information on public and international relations and information on the Erasmus program and internships.
“International Summer Academy for Intercultural Communication” (ISAIC)
Posted: 19-03-2019 13:49 | Updated: 07-06-2019 13:24 | Views: 7528
Start: 01-07-2019 |End: 09-07-2019
Attached files
en  pdf.png  SAIC 2019 Programme [.v2]
Size: 219.93 KB :: Type: PDF document
en  pdf.png  Seminar information and teaching staff
Size: 129.81 KB :: Type: PDF document
The International Summer Academy for Intercultural Communication will run for the second consecutive year between the 1st and the 9th of July, 2019 at the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting. The Summer Academy aims to raise intercultural awareness and understanding and cultivate intercultural communication skills. The Director of the International Summer Academy for Intercultural Communication is Asst. Prof. Dr Ioannis Karras. See more:
Summer School for Choral Conductors of School, Childrens' and Youth Choirs [Corfu, 2-8/7/19]
Posted: 27-02-2019 12:45 | Updated: 21-05-2019 14:33 | Views: 12971
Start: 02-07-2019 |End: 08-07-2019
Attached files
    Application Form
Size: 16.25 KB :: Type: Word document
    Short CV of Joy Hill
Size: 614.93 KB :: Type: PDF document
Summer School for Choral Conductors of School, Childrens' and Youth Choirs will take place from 2nd to 8th of July in Corfu, Greece with Joy Hill (Guest Professor). Director: Dr. Miranda Caldi, Professor Emeritus Ionian University. More info:
CIAK project: The 10 winning directors of "Memory" Call announced
Posted: 16-05-2019 17:59 | Views: 5865
Attached files
    Press Release
Size: 531.38 KB :: Type: PDF document
Apulia Film Commission Foundation organised a press conference yesterday at Bari Cineporto, in order to present “Memory” call- winning directors in the frame of Greece-Italy cooperation project CIAK. Simonetta Dellomonaco, President of Apulia Film Commission Foundation, announced the names of the 10 winning under-35 directors.
Summer School 2019: Excavation Techniques, First Aids & Preventive Conservation - Registration extension: 31/05/2019
Posted: 01-03-2019 12:24 | Updated: 08-05-2019 12:58 | Views: 8539
Start: 08-07-2019 |End: 12-07-2019
The Department of the Environment and the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology of the Ionian University organise for the first time a Summer School on “Excavation Techniques, First Aid and Preventive Conservation” of excavated material which is to be held at the excavation of the archaeological site of the Amyklaion near Sparta between 8-12 July 2019. More info:
Summer School of Greek Language, History and Culture [Corfu, 1-14/7/19]
Posted: 14-12-2018 15:56 | Updated: 07-05-2019 16:00 | Views: 3601
Start: 01-07-2019 |End: 14-07-2019
The Summer School for Greek Language, History and Culture of the Ionian University is aimed at young people from the Greek diaspora, as well as people with a special interest in Greek language, history and culture, who wish to gain an introduction to, or deepen their knowledge of, Greek language and culture. The registration deadline is May 10, 2019. For more information please visit:
DFLTI: International Summer School in Mediterranean Security and Culture [Corfu, 3-7/7/19]
Posted: 07-05-2019 14:39 | Views: 7398
Start: 03-07-2019 |End: 07-07-2019
The Laboratory for Geocultural Analyses of DFLTI / GeoLab and the British Buckingham University Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies (BUCSIS) organise in Corfu the International Summer School in Mediterranean Security and Culture on July 3-7, 2019. More information at
See the IU brochure
Posted: 17-04-2019 14:52 | Views: 18809
The IU brochure containing the essential information about the character, the courses and the infrastructure of each of the twelve university departments and their programmes.
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