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Support tools for researchers interested in HEAL-Link Open Access programs
Posted: 31-05-2021 12:45 | Views: 12565
Electronic user satisfaction survey during pandemic
Posted: 01-03-2021 11:57 | Updated: 20-04-2021 09:39 | Views: 16557
Start: 31-03-2021 |End: 30-04-2021
Reports on the progress of SEAB Open Access programs (2019-2020)
Posted: 06-04-2021 09:10 | Views: 13048
FISH & CHIPS: The cultural routes of the Ecomuseum of Petriti and South Corfu
Posted: 08-07-2020 10:30 | Views: 5982
The Ecomuseum of Petriti and South Corfu takes shape through the cultural itineraries designed as part of the 'INTEREG VA' Greece-Italy 2014-2020 'FISH & CHIPS Project by the Department of History of the Ionian University (headed by K. Sbonias and A. Kapetanios).
Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living
Posted: 27-03-2020 10:39 | Views: 4320
The programme proposal with the title: Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living (Acronym: GoodBrother) has been accepted in the framework of the Horizon 2020, EU COST ACTIONS.
TermCoord: New University Projects with Ionian University of Greece
Posted: 18-03-2020 14:37 | Views: 7036
The collaboration with the Ionian University of Greece resulted into another successful terminology project, this time about Brexit, Korea Crisis, Cyclic Economy and Waste Reduction, Disinformation and Cybersecurity, Inequality, Terrorism and Youth Empowerment.
Experimental laboratories of ethnoarchaeology
Posted: 07-10-2019 11:12 | Views: 6436
Organized by the Dept. of History of the Ionian University, in the framework of the Interreg Program FISH&CHIPS