All News
Department of Informatics: Lecture "Informational Behavior and Innovation" [26/03/15]
Posted: 23-03-2015 16:04 | Views: 2800
Important Date: 26-03-2015
Press Release: Speech fot the 25th of March
Posted: 23-03-2015 14:19 | Views: 2622
Important Date: 24-03-2015
Department of Informatics: ADRIATinn Informational Meeting [19/03/15]
Posted: 19-03-2015 11:23 | Views: 2869
Important Date: 19-03-2015
Lecture: «Translating for Europe and the future of linguistic professions» [27/2/15]
Posted: 25-02-2015 12:06 | Views: 2714
Important Date: 27-02-2015
The Greek Crisis Multilingual Term Project - GCMTP
Posted: 17-02-2015 16:26 | Views: 3295
Important Date: 25-02-2015
Summer Academy in Choral Conducting 2015 [1-7/7/15]
Posted: 16-02-2015 13:42 | Views: 5059
Start: 01-07-2015 |End: 07-07-2015
GUEST PROFESSOR – The world-renowned conductor of children’s and youth choirs ZIMFIRA POLOZ, Conductor of the Hamilton Children’s Choir and guest professor at the University of Toronto, CANADA
Zimfira Poloz specializes in the pedagogy of children’s choirs particularly the age group of 8 – 14 years. She applies an original and innovative method in the development of vocal (...)
Geolab: Russia's relations with Hellenism during the Ottoman rule [19/02/15]
Posted: 16-02-2015 12:13 | Views: 2906
Important Date: 19-02-2015
GeoLab Institute organises in co-operation with the St. Tikhon University (Moscow) and the History Department of the Social and Pastoral Theology Faculty of the Aristotle University (Thessaloniki) School of Theology, a one-day seminar on ''Russia's relations with Hellenism during the Ottoman rule'' on February 19th, 2015.
DI: Day Conference [10/02/2015]
Posted: 10-02-2015 15:43 | Views: 2866
Important Date: 10-02-2015
Department of Informatics: ADRIATinn co-lab - Invitation to Lecture [10/02/2015, 11-1]
Posted: 09-02-2015 14:05 | Views: 2603
Important Date: 10-02-2015
Department of Music Studies: Masterclass with the Canadian flutist Robert Aitken [13-17/1/15]
Posted: 09-01-2015 13:32 | Views: 3871
Start: 13-01-2015 |End: 17-01-2015
World renowned Canadian flutist, composer and conductor Robert Aitken will be at Corfu and lecture at the Department of Music Studies of Ionian University during the following days: 13rd-17th of January 2015. Those who are interested can attend the Flute Masterclass on 15/01 (10.00 - 15.00) and 16/01 (10.00 - 16.00). Further Information:
Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomaios receives an Honorary Doctorate of the Ionian University
Posted: 08-12-2014 15:02 | Updated: 11-12-2014 15:01 | Views: 18758
Lecture on Philosophy, Image and Life Policies [08/12/2014]
Posted: 06-12-2014 00:25 | Views: 2568
Important Date: 08-12-2014
Inarts Lab: Max Philipp Schmid and Chantal Molleur presentation
Posted: 01-12-2014 16:04 | Views: 5950
Important Date: 04-12-2014
Thursday, December 4th, 2014 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, in classroom 3, the artist Max Philipp Schmid will present his project in a two-hour speech at the Department of Audio and Vidual Arts. Also, the curator Chantal Molleur will present a Swiss video-artist panorama.
Max Philipp Schmid - Frenetic Standstill
Posted: 28-11-2014 10:45 | Views: 6490
Start: 05-12-2014 |End: 05-01-2015
Title of the exhibition: Frenetic Standstill
Frenetic Standstill encompass three video installations; Wald (Forest 2007), Der Wanderer (The Wanderer 2007) and Das Gespenst des Glücks (The Ghost of Happiness 2011).
10th Jubilee Conference + Workshop “Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage”
Posted: 20-11-2014 22:09 | Views: 5236
Start: 27-05-2015 |End: 29-05-2015
The 10th Jubilee Conference + Workshop Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, organised by the ICA Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage will be held in Corfu, 27-29 May 2015 co-organised and hosted by the History Department of the Ionian University, in cooperation with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Cartoheritage Group, in association with the Commission (...)