All News
Summer Piano Institute (23-29/6/14)
Posted: 27-03-2014 15:35 | Views: 3439
Start: 23-06-2014 |End: 29-06-2014
Piano Plus Festival welcomes you to the Second Summer Piano Institute for university- age students. The Institute is organized in conjunction with the Department of Music of Ionian University and is supported by the Ionian Islands Prefecture. The seminars, master classes, concerts and excursions will take place on the island of Corfu, Greece, one of the most famous tourist destinations in the (...)
Department of Audiovisual Arts: Lecture on contemporary Animation [21/3/14]
Posted: 18-03-2014 11:42 | Views: 4091
Important Date: 21-03-2014
Lecture on contemporary Animation. Special Guest Vasilis Kroustallis, Artistic Director of the Be there! Corfu Animation Festival.
Symposium "Is standard english on its way out? The imperial cultural background"
Posted: 12-03-2014 10:50 | Views: 4509
Important Date: 18-03-2014
On 18 March, at 9.30, at Amphitheatron 1, a unique event takes place, namely a symposium, chaired by William Mallinson of the DFLTI, on whether or not Standard English is dying. Sponsored by the British Council, world famous writer on the English language, David Crystal, will speak on the future of Englishes, while Richard Pine, author, journalist and founder and Director Emeritus of the Durrell (...)
Department of Audio and Visual Arts: External Evaluation Report 2014
Posted: 06-03-2014 18:58 | Views: 4768
The External Evaluation Report by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency for the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University has been published.
Seminar: Entrepreneurship as an employment option in crisis period [26/2/14]
Posted: 21-02-2014 14:53 | Views: 2494
Important Date: 26-02-2014
Seminar: "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Through Internships of Ionian University" [25/2/14]
Posted: 21-02-2014 14:32 | Views: 2283
Important Date: 25-02-2014
Seminar: E-Governance in Public School Administration [19/2/14]
Posted: 19-02-2014 12:05 | Views: 2261
Important Date: 19-02-2014
Department of Foreign Languages, Tr. & Interpreting: External Evaluation Report
Posted: 04-02-2014 21:04 | Views: 3558
The External Evaluation Report by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency for the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting of the Ionian University has been published.
Summer Music Academy 2014 - Seminar in Music Education: “Hear, Listen, Play”
Posted: 04-02-2014 16:45 | Views: 3715
Start: 08-07-2014 |End: 11-07-2014
Seminar in Music Education “Hear, Listen, Play! The informal practices of popular musicians and their implications for classrooms and instrumental teaching studios, 8th -11th July 2014.
William Mallinson: The Same Things Return with Different Colours [2013]
Posted: 23-01-2014 11:28 | Views: 4499
The new book of William Mallinson entitled The Same Things Return with Different Colours is already published.
Department of Audio & Visual Arts: Photo Exhibition "Ithaca 2013"
Posted: 14-01-2014 18:37 | Views: 5596
Start: 14-01-2014 |End: 19-01-2014
Photo Exhibition "Ithaca 2013" until 19th January 2014. Curator of the exhibition: Anastasia Mastrakouli, student from the Department of Audio and Visual Arts.
Lecture on contemporary art [17/1/2014]
Posted: 12-01-2014 17:07 | Views: 4799
Important Date: 17-01-2014
On Friday 17th January, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at the Department of Audiovisual Arts will take place a lecture based on contemporary art. Guest Speaker: Kostas Christopoulos, artist.
Lecture on contemporary art [16/1/2014]
Posted: 12-01-2014 17:06 | Views: 3920
Important Date: 16-01-2014
On Thursday 16th January 2014 at 9:00 p.m. will be held a lecture on contemporary art for the course History of Art II entitled The 4th Biennale of Athens.
Workshop: "Consummation of services using open source software" [16/01/14]
Posted: 10-01-2014 15:44 | Views: 2510
Important Date: 16-01-2014
Department of Foreign Languages, Tr. & Interpreting: Seminar within the Postgraduate Program "Science of Translation"
Posted: 08-01-2014 14:46 | Views: 2879
Important Date: 15-01-2014
Ionian University Library Online Submission for I.U. Students
Posted: 24-12-2013 14:08 | Views: 3748
Start: 11-12-2013 |End: 23-12-2013
2 day symposium proceedings Art and Interculturality in the Mediterranean Region
Posted: 20-12-2013 18:17 | Views: 4405
The 2 day symposium proceedings Art and Interculturality in the Mediterranean Region have been released.
Discussion: "The future of the libraries and the library of the future" [18/12/2013]
Posted: 16-12-2013 11:08 | Views: 3161
Important Date: 18-12-2013
The Rector of the Ionian University meets the Chinese Ambassador in Greece
Posted: 13-12-2013 15:19 | Views: 6907