All News
Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting: Programme WISSTRANS
Posted: 08-03-2013 15:04 | Views: 4638
Start: 06-04-2013 |End: 21-04-2013
Conference presentation entitled «Medical Responsibility and Bioethics»
Posted: 06-03-2013 14:39 | Views: 3474
Open Seminars - 5,12 and 19/03/2013
Posted: 05-03-2013 13:28 | Views: 2381
Start: 05-03-2013 |End: 19-03-2013
Carnival Party - Thursday 07/02/2013
Posted: 04-03-2013 22:30 | Views: 2757
Important Date: 07-02-2013
Department of Archives and Library Sciences: Information History Conference [24-25/5/2013]
Posted: 28-02-2013 13:30 | Views: 3539
Start: 24-05-2013 |End: 25-05-2013
Interdisciplinary Conference: Medical Responsibility and Bioethics - Athens, March 1-2, 2013
Posted: 27-02-2013 19:36 | Views: 3242
Start: 01-03-2013 |End: 02-03-2013
Workshop of the NTU: Greeting from the Rector of the Ionian University [18.2.13]
Posted: 21-02-2013 17:25 | Views: 3078
Michail Politis: Issues of cognitive approach to the translation didactics
Posted: 30-01-2013 15:13 | Views: 4901
TIMELY Training School, 4-8/02/2013
Posted: 28-01-2013 14:00 | Views: 2396
Start: 04-02-2013 |End: 08-02-2013
Celebration of the Three Hierarchs Day, 30/1/2013
Posted: 22-01-2013 16:16 | Views: 3743
Important Date: 30-01-2013
Department of Audio and Visual Arts: Works in Creative Walk
Posted: 22-01-2013 15:18 | Views: 4810
Students and faculty members of the Department of AudioVisual Arts successfully presented their works during the CREATIVE WALK events co-organized by the CREATIVITY FOR.TH and the Municipality of Thessaloniki.
Lecture by Demosthenis Davetas: Video Art and Modernity [18/01/2013]
Posted: 15-01-2013 15:09 | Views: 3763
Important Date: 18-01-2013
Lecture by Demosthenis Davetas: Video Art and Modernity. Demosthenis Davetas is poet and writer, artist and performer.
Graduation ceremony for all the Departments of the Ionian University [17/01/2013]
Posted: 11-01-2013 14:43 | Views: 4837
Important Date: 17-01-2013
Narratives of Risk: Interdisciplinary Studies
Posted: 10-01-2013 10:24 | Views: 4528
The anthology entitled Narratives of Risk: Interdisciplinary Studies ‒ Narrative des Risikos. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge was co-edited by Anastasia Parianou, Associate Professor at the Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting (DFLTI), and academics from the Østfold University College (Norway). It was published by Waxmann (Münster/Germany) in December (...)
Philosophy and Music Conference 2012: Proceedings
Posted: 04-01-2013 21:39 | Views: 4146
The Proceedings of the Philosophy and Music Conference "Time Theories and Music" that was held in Corfu, May 2012, are published online.
Proceedings Editing: Panos Vlagopoulos,
Assistant Professor, Department of Music Studies, Ionian University.
The proceedings files are available in the webpage Proceedings of the official website.
Conference Official (...)
Happy Holidays 2012!
Posted: 22-12-2012 17:26 | Views: 2423
Start: 21-12-2012 |End: 07-01-2013
International and Public Relations Department: LLP/Erasmus calls and website update
Posted: 17-12-2012 14:47 | Views: 6118
We would like to inform our teaching staff, administrative staff and students of the Ionian University that the site of the Department of International and Public Relations has been updated for the 2012-2013 academic year.
Department of Audio and Visual Arts: Art and Technology - Interactive Audiovisual Projects
Posted: 04-12-2012 15:48 | Views: 3571
Start: 15-12-2012 |End: 16-12-2012
Students and faculty members of the Department of AudioVisual Arts will present their works during the CREATIVE WALK events co-organized by the CREATIVITY FOR.TH and the Municipality of Thessaloniki.
Workshop: Contemporary Issues of Data Protection, 5/12/2012
Posted: 04-12-2012 12:25 | Views: 2761
Important Date: 05-12-2012