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Meeting of the Director of the UNESCO Chair with students and teachers from the 3rd General Lyceum of Corfu
Posted: 28-02-2025 12:31 | Views: 458
As part of its efforts to connect its activities with primary and secondary education, on February 6, 2025, the Director of the UNESCO Chair of the Ionian University met with a group of students and teachers for an informational session about the UNESCO Chair on the Protection of Cultural Heritage at the Ionian University and for an interview/podcast on the topics of Cultural Heritage Protection (...)
Invitation to the Lecture Critical Approaches to Types and Services of Libraries in the United States
Posted: 27-02-2025 13:59 | Views: 328
Invitation to the Lecture Critical Approaches to Types and Services of Libraries in the United States (Wed. 5/3/2025, 18:00) The Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology of the Ionian University, and the Museology Research Lab, are pleased to invite you to the lecture entitled ‘Critical Approaches to Types and Services of Libraries in the United States’ by Prof. Hermina G.B. (...)
Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning Plan: Cultural Heritage and Tourism: Protection and Sustainability [New Registration Date Deadline: 28-02-2025]
Posted: 28-01-2025 16:05 | Updated: 14-02-2025 12:25 | Views: 938
Start: 28-01-2025 |End: 28-02-2025
This program is supported by the UNESCO Chair for the Threats against Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage-related Activities (TCHER), and participants who complete the course will receive an official vocational skills training certificate and 15 ECTS credits. Registration Date Deadline: 28-02-2025.
The Ionian University as Technical Coordinators of the European Project ANTIDOTE Kick-οff Meeting on 30 January 2025
Posted: 03-02-2025 11:22 | Views: 1448
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en  doc.png  Press Release - ANTIDOTE
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Within the framework of the research project “ANTIDOTE: AI Attack and Defense for the Smart Healthcare”, under the scientific coordination of Associate Professor Christoforos Ntantogian from the Department of Informatics at the Ionian University, the project kick-off meeting took place online on January 30, 2025.
7th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2025] - Extended deadline for submissions: 28/02/2025
Posted: 17-01-2025 17:48 | Updated: 30-01-2025 12:37 | Views: 1884
The Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University organizes the 7th International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2025) which will be held in hybrid way - online and in the Ionian Academy in Corfu (Greece), May 9-10, 2025. Extended deadline for submission of extended abstracts: 28 February, 2025 (14.00 CET)
Ionian University Welcomes First Cohort of MARes in Hybrid Arts Students
Posted: 28-01-2025 20:44 | Views: 882
The Ionian University’s Department of Audio and Visual Arts is pleased to announce the successful selection of candidates for the inaugural Master of Research (MARes) in Hybrid Arts program for the academic year 2024–2025. Classes are set to begin on Monday, 3 February 2025, marking the start of an innovative program that explores the dynamic intersections of art, science, and technology.
Gym of the Ionian University: 1st Hike - 16/02/2025
Posted: 27-01-2025 13:40 | Views: 2166
Important Date: 16-02-2025
The University Gym of the Ionian University will hold its first hike on Sunday 16/02/2025, in the area of Nymphes. Those interested can register on the days and times of the program, to the responsible teachers or upon request with the hiking manager Angeliki Mavropoulou. Due to limited places, a strict first-come, first-served order will be observed.
Accreditation Decision of the Postgraduate Study Programme of Ethics in Information Technology of the Department of Informatics
Posted: 23-01-2025 19:59 | Views: 667
The Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE) Evaluation and Accreditation Council has accredited the new Postgraduate Study Programme of Ethics in Information Technology of the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University as fully compliant to the Standards for Quality Accreditation of New Postgraduate Study Programmes of the HAHE and to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) for study level 7 of the National and European Qualifications Framework.
Ionian University and Beijing Language and Culture University - International intercultural journeys "ThinC - Thinking Inter-culturally Journeys"
Posted: 08-01-2025 13:16 | Updated: 22-01-2025 12:33 | Views: 4115
Headed by the Rector Professor Andreas Floros, the delegation of the Ionian University returned to China, in the framework of the institution's extroversion and the joint action of the Beijing Language and Culture University / World Sinology Center under the title "ThinC - Thinking Inter-culturally Journeys".
Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science 2025: open call for the 6th conference in Slovenia (9-13 Sept 2025) in partnership with Kino Šiška
Posted: 01-11-2024 14:04 | Updated: 30-12-2024 20:08 | Views: 4968
Start: 01-11-2024 |End: 03-01-2025
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en  pdf.png  TTT2025 Poster
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The Organizing Committee of the Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science (TTT) Conference is delighted to announce its sixth international gathering, taking place from September 9-13, 2025, at Kino Šiška in Ljubljana, Slovenia. TTT2025 invites submissions from artists, researchers, and thinkers who explore interdisciplinary themes within art and science to submit their papers, artist-talks and artwork presentation proposals until 31 December 2024 via the conference's digital platform. For further details on TTT2025 submission process, registration and proceedings please visit the TTT Official Website. For other information contact the Head of Organizing Committee Prof. Dalila Honorato, Dir. InArts Lab, Dpt. AV Arts, Ionian University at:
Call for Reviewers: SAFE - Supporting At-risk researchers with Fellowships in Europe
Posted: 27-12-2024 19:04 | Views: 646
  Dear colleagues, The EU-funded SAFE project “Supporting At-Risk Researchers with Fellowships in Europe” offers up to 60 fellowships for at-risk doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of any non-EU nationality for a research stay at a higher education and research institution in the EU. To ensure a fair selection process, we are seeking international experts to evaluate applications (...)
The governing board of SAR Greece for 2025-2027: Aristotle University Thessaloniki - Ionian University - University of the Aegean
Posted: 23-12-2024 23:24 | Views: 611
As there has been no new expression of interest from other universities, the SAR Greece governing board for the next two years (2025-2027) will remain the same: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Prof. Alexandros Triantaphyllidis Ionian University – Prof. Stavros Katsios University of the Aegean – Prof. Nikolaos Nagopoulos SAR Greece is a partnership between Greek higher (...)
ICONA FESTIVAL 2024 Awards and Christmas Screenings [VoD 17-31/12/2024]
Posted: 18-12-2024 15:38 | Views: 939
For those who didn't catch the movie screenings of the ICONA FESTIVAL 2024 or for those who would like to see the movies again, you are able to watch them on demand, available from December 17th until December 31st 2024:
Christmas wishes from Ionian University’s Rectorates’ Council
Posted: 18-12-2024 10:50 | Views: 2240
Start: 18-12-2024 |End: 07-01-2025
Ionian University’s Rectorate Council wishes to all Academic Community and friends of the University Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Gym of the Ionian University: Successfully held the 1st University Sports Championship
Posted: 10-12-2024 13:15 | Views: 662
The 1st University Athletics Championship of the Ionian University was successfully held. The students who took part showed their skills to participate in other future events that will be held outside the island.
Gym of the Ionian University: Panhellenic Interuniversity Chess Championships 2024
Posted: 09-12-2024 17:19 | Views: 1514
Start: 09-12-2024 |End: 16-12-2024
The Panteion University, the Municipality of Kallithea, the Kallithea Chess Club and the Korydallos Chess Club, announce the Panhellenic Inter-University Chess Championships 2024. Specifically, two events will be held, the Individual Inter-University Chess Championships 2024 and the Team Inter-University "Planted" Chess Championships 2024, on 19 December 2024 in Athens.
Ionian University: Announcement of a New Master of Arts by Research Program in Hybrid Arts 2024-2025 – Extended Submission Deadline December 10, 2024 (14:00)
Posted: 04-11-2024 17:28 | Updated: 26-11-2024 11:21 | Views: 2093
Start: 04-11-2024 |End: 10-12-2024
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en  pdf.png  Poster
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The Department of Audio and Visual Arts at the Ionian University’s School of Music and Audiovisual Arts is announcing the new Master of Arts by Research Program (MARes) in Hybrid Arts for the academic year 2024-2025. Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications exclusively online at by December 10th, 2024, 14:00.
Gym of the Ionian University: 1st University Sports Championship
Posted: 22-11-2024 17:30 | Updated: 22-11-2024 17:38 | Views: 2398
Start: 22-11-2024 |End: 06-12-2024
The University Gym, organizes the 1st University Sports Championship for all departments of the Ionian University, in the context of getting acquainted with some of the sports that exist in the University Gymnasium and invites all students to take part.
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