All News
Department of Music Studies: External Evaluation Report
Posted: 03-09-2012 16:00 | Views: 6873
The External Evaluation Report for the Department of Music Studies, conducted by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (H.Q.A.), has been published.
1st Summer Music Academy for Classical Guitar 2012
Posted: 02-07-2012 16:15 | Views: 4611
Start: 02-07-2012 |End: 08-07-2012
Special track on Metadata and Semantics for Cultural Collections and Applications
Posted: 06-06-2012 16:46 | Views: 3601
Start: 06-06-2012 |End: 20-07-2012
Part of the 6th International Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research (MTSR 2012), 28-30 November 2012 - Cadiz, Spain
Opera Workshop
Posted: 14-05-2012 15:58 | Views: 4652
Start: 16-07-2012 |End: 22-07-2012
The Corfu Chamber Opera, in cooperation with the Ionian University Department of Music Studies and the City of Corfu Regional Theatre, is organising an opera-singing seminar (Opera Workshop) within the framework of the Summer Academy, to be held in Corfu from 16 to 22 July 2012.The seminar is intended for young lyrical artists and conductors* as well as students of Greek or foreign Music Schools (...)
Consultation concerning matters of ERASMUS mobility
Posted: 27-04-2012 15:51 | Views: 4504
We inform the students of the Ionian University for two consultations that concern matters of ERASMUS mobility.The objective of the consultation is to gather views about how the quality of traineeships can be enhanced in order to help young career starters make a smooth transition from education to work.
Consultation on Access to a bank account by Erasmus and exchange studentsDeadline for (...)
Erasmus Story Competition 2012
Posted: 14-03-2012 13:42 | Views: 5360
Start: 14-03-2012 |End: 06-04-2012
Summer Music Academy 2011 - Monody - Melos Brass
Posted: 04-07-2011 14:45 | Views: 5586
Start: 11-07-2011 |End: 03-08-2011
8th Seminar for Ancient Greek and Roman Music
Posted: 03-04-2011 23:58 | Views: 4857
Start: 03-07-2011 |End: 10-07-2011
Corfu Summer School 2010 - Final Report
Posted: 19-01-2011 14:46 | Views: 4180
Mr Bastian Baumann's Final Report of the last session of the Corfu Summer School is published.
The attached file contains the full text of the (...)
Honorary Doctorate Award Ceremony - Change of venue
Posted: 20-10-2010 22:15 | Views: 5069
Important Date: 21-10-2010
Academic Calendar 2010-2011
Posted: 12-09-2010 20:45 | Views: 3197
The calendar of the academic year 2010-2011 has been added to the Academic Celandar page.
Related link: Academic Calendar
ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2010-2011 Winter semester Tuition: From 4/10/2010 to 21/01/2011 Exams: From 24/01/2010 to 11/02/2011 Christmas Holidays: December 24th, 2010 - January 7th, 2011 Spring semester Tuition: From 14/02/2011 to 03/06/2011 Exams: From (...)
The Semester - First issue of the newsletter of the Ionian University
Posted: 27-10-2009 18:41 | Views: 2711
The first issue of the newsletter of the Ionian University has been published under the title "The Semester".
Mousikos Ellinomnimon - 3rd issue
Posted: 29-09-2009 07:32 | Views: 5257
The third issue of Mousikos Ellinomnimon, the periodical publication of the Hellenic Music Research Lab of the Department of Music Studies, has been published. - Recent Publications updated
Map of the city of Corfu
Posted: 27-11-2007 00:27 | Views: 10520
The "City of Corfu map" webpage which displays a satellite map of the city of Corfu (Google map) has been added to the central website of the Ionian University.
On the map there are markers which denote the buildings of all the Departments and the Administration Services of the University, as well as the building of the Ionian Academy.
"City of Corfu map" (...) - Traffic statistics
Posted: 15-10-2007 20:23 | Views: 3038
The "Traffic Statistics" page has been updated and includes monthly reports generated by Google Analytics . - Traffic (...)