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WebMail service by NOC
Posted: 13-06-2007 02:29 | Views: 7280
The Networks Operation Center of the Ionian University set up and launched the WebMail service which provides access to e-mail accounts from the Web.
WebMail Login -
You may directly reach the Webmail service throughout the central website of the Ionian University both from the Quick Links dropdown menu and from the webm@il link (located top right on each (...)
Teκmirion 6
Posted: 07-05-2007 09:09 | Views: 3770
A new volume of the Academic Yearbook of the Ionian University Department of Archives and Library Science.
International Conference Sunbelt XXVII
Posted: 06-02-2007 00:33 | Views: 4563
Start: 01-05-2007 |End: 06-05-2007
The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference is the official conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).
Publication of Vicennial Celebratory Volume
Posted: 31-01-2007 22:30 | Views: 4862
... by the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting of the Ionian University to celebrate its twentieth anniversary.
The new website is online!
Posted: 02-10-2006 01:46 | Views: 4009
The webteam tried to create an attractive site which would be easy to use and provide lots of information, taking over from the University's first pages.
Commencement and Completion of the Academic Year 2006 – 2007
Posted: 30-09-2006 10:39 | Views: 4522
It is hereby announced that, according to the decision of the University Senate on the 07.07.2006, the 2006 – 2007 academic year will commence on September the 1st, 2006 and end on the 31st of August, 2007.