All News
Ionian University University Museum: "Co-Create/Sponsor the Museum"
Posted: 14-01-2020 11:38 | Views: 4457
Important Date: 17-01-2020
The Museum of the Ionian University invites you to an open discussion on Friday, January 17th, 2020. The event will take place at the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology of the Ionian University.
Kostas Soueref (ed.) "Museum spaces in the 21st century: interaction practices"
Posted: 08-01-2020 13:26 | Views: 5837
Important Date: 14-01-2020
The Library – Information Centre along with the Museum of the Ionian University organize a book launch on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, at 20:00, at the Central Library of the Ionian University.
Press conference for the "Hellenic Initiative Against Alzheimers Disease” - ΗΙΑΑD
Posted: 11-12-2019 18:51 | Updated: 11-12-2019 19:04 | Views: 4759
ΗΙΑΑD Launch Event, December 18, 2019 | Athens, Zappeion Megaron, 18:00 | Under the Auspices of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Dr. P. Pavlopoulos
A new museum in Corfu: "Museum of the Ionian University: Collections of the Ionian University"
Posted: 09-12-2019 21:59 | Views: 10108
The Ionian University incorporates now a University Museum, an institution with a history in Europe since the 17th century. University museums belong to a special category of museums that are hosted in the premises of academic institutions and aim at promoting knowledge and familiarizing the academic community with museum spaces.
Animation Festival ICONA [Corfu, 29/11-1/12/2019]
Posted: 28-11-2019 18:14 | Views: 17865
Start: 28-11-2019 |End: 01-12-2019
The first Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019, organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University (within the framework of the CIAK Intereg program) will take place in Corfu from the 29th of November until the 1st of December 2019.
"Literary Week" in the Ionian University
Posted: 06-11-2019 12:38 | Updated: 19-11-2019 00:04 | Views: 8456
Start: 18-11-2019 |End: 23-11-2019
A series of events promoting and disseminating results within the framework of the "Park of Literary Travels in Greece and Magna Graecia - POLYSEMI" project.
Zakynthos: Special information day event for the promotion and dissemination of results in the framework of the project entitled "Intelligent selection and management of wine varieties using Information and Communication Technologies"
Posted: 15-10-2019 10:21 | Updated: 15-10-2019 10:37 | Views: 4054
21/10/2019 in the main amphitheater of the Department of Environment of the Ionian University, M. Minotou Giannopoulou 26, Zakynthos
Kefalonia: Special information day event for the promotion and dissemination of results in the framework of the project entitled "Intelligent selection and management of wine varieties using Information and Communication Technologies"
Posted: 15-10-2019 10:26 | Updated: 15-10-2019 10:37 | Views: 4724
23/10/2019 at the G. Arsenis amphitheater located in the B building of the Department of Food Sience and Technology of the Ionian University, Vergoti Ave. Argostoli, Kefalonia
Festival and Jazz Academy: Corfu Jazz World 2019 - 11-14/10/2019
Posted: 07-10-2019 00:03 | Updated: 10-10-2019 14:44 | Views: 11477
Start: 11-10-2019 |End: 14-10-2019
The City of Corfu, Ionian University and the Corfiot Events Organization present "Corfu Jazz World 2019” an international jazz festival and jazz academy with concerts and seminars by international artistsRiccardo Del Fra, Jay Clayton, Eric Ineke, David Lynch, Stavros Lantsias, Lefteris Kordis-Edmar Colon duo, Next Step Quartet and Flying Jazz. Official Website:
"Intelligent selection and management of wine varieties using Information and Communication Technologies"
Posted: 24-09-2019 13:21 | Views: 4570
Special information day event for the promotion and dissemination of results in the framework of the project.
Special educational events and activities to promote and disseminate the educational results of the project entitled "Park of Literary Travels in Greece and Magna Graecia - POLYSEMI"
Posted: 20-09-2019 12:29 | Views: 3814
The Department of Informatics of the Ionian University organizes a series of educational activities (workshop, seminar, summer school & educational tour), as well as dissemination activities of the results of the project "Park of Literary Travels in Greece and Magna Graecia - POLYSEMI"
2nd International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2019] - Full text submission deadline: 26/09/2019
Posted: 21-11-2018 15:27 | Updated: 05-09-2019 16:48 | Views: 25751
Start: 10-05-2018 |End: 11-05-2019
The International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges was held in Corfu (Greece), May 10-11, 2019, hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University). Full text submission deadline: 29/09/2019. Official website:
Laboratory of Electroacoustic Music Research & Applications & Music Education and Music Psychology Group: The Soundscape we live in [24-29/6/2019]
Posted: 18-06-2019 14:09 | Updated: 25-06-2019 17:21 | Views: 12306
Start: 24-06-2019 |End: 29-06-2019
The Laboratory of Electroacoustic Music Research & Applications [EPHMEE] and the Music Education and Music Psychology Group of the Music Department of Ionian University lend their ears to the Sound Environment and propose a series of educational, research and artistic activities, the last week of June, dedicated to the Soundscape we live in.
Exhibition APOPLUS, Invisible Cities and Greek City Ports of the Ionian: visual art dialogues between Greek litterateurs and Calvino
Posted: 06-06-2019 17:44 | Updated: 18-06-2019 20:26 | Views: 4628
Start: 21-06-2019 |End: 07-07-2019
The project "Park of literary travels in Greece and Magna Graecia - POLYSEMI”, co-funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and national funds, in the framework of the "European Territorial Cooperation Program Greece - Italy 2014-2020" invites you to the exhibition APOPLUS, Invisible Cities and Greek City Ports of the Ionian: visual art dialogues between Greek litterateurs and Calvino. The exhibition, which is organized by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sport, General Directorate of Contemporary Culture and is supported by the Department of Informatics, Ionian University, will be hosted at Alevrapothikes building in the Old Fortress of Corfu. The exhibition will be inaugurated on June 21st, 2019 and will run until July 7th, 2019.
“Fisheries and Cultural Heritage, Identity and Participated Societies” participatory meeting
Posted: 06-06-2019 21:06 | Views: 5127
Department of Music Studies: Filip Jers Quartet, Concert and Seminar - Ionian Academy May 29th 2019
Posted: 28-05-2019 15:28 | Views: 8073
Important Date: 29-05-2019
Filip Jers Quartet from Sweden begins their summer tour of Greece in Corfu at the Ionian Academy. The group will also offer a jazz seminar for students of the Music Department and interested musicians. Concert: Ionian Academy May 29th 2019 20.30 Free entrance. Seminar: Ionian Academy May 29th 2019 17.00.
“The Seven Sages of Ancient Greece as Historical Figures” - Open lecture at the History Department
Posted: 15-05-2019 10:55 | Views: 4639
Important Date: 22-05-2019
13th Audiovisual Arts Festival [6-12 May 2019, Corfu]
Posted: 02-05-2019 16:38 | Updated: 09-05-2019 08:46 | Views: 12840
Start: 06-05-2019 |End: 12-05-2019
The two departments of the Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts, the Department of Audio and Visual Arts (AVARTS) and the Department of Music Studies (Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Lab, EPHMEE) of the Ionian University join once again forces in order to organize the 13th annual Audiovisual Arts Festival, held from May 6 το May 12, 2019, in Corfu. Official website:
AKOYSMATA: Concert series organised by the Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory [EPHMEE]
Posted: 03-05-2019 15:40 | Views: 5983
Start: 06-05-2019 |End: 12-05-2019
AKOYSMATA is the general title for the Concert series organised by the Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Laboratory [EPHMEE] in collaboration with the Performative Environments in the Arts Research Laboratory [PEARL] for this year's Audiovisual Festival of the Ionian University (6 to 12 May, 2019).
Opera and the Greek World during the 19th Century
Posted: 12-04-2016 12:16 | Updated: 18-04-2019 14:09 | Views: 20683
Start: 17-11-2017 |End: 19-11-2017
Opera and the Greek World during Nineteenth Century. International Conference in Corfu, Greece, 17-19 November 2017.