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Online lecture "The Heptanese in the Greek Revolution"
Posted: 27-09-2021 13:34 | Updated: 05-10-2021 07:52 | Views: 11828
Important Date: 05-10-2021
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2021 | Hard Submission Deadline: 10/10/2021
Posted: 31-08-2021 12:19 | Updated: 04-10-2021 14:53 | Views: 27674
Start: 01-09-2021 |End: 10-10-2021
The aim of the Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2021 is to present the best from the field of animation from all around the world. The festival also aims to preserve and help develop the cultural heritage of animated film, contribute to creation of new films, provide ground for potential international co-productions and encourages dialogue between professionals, filmmakers and the public. Hard Submission Deadline: 10/10/2021
Scholars at Risk Section Greece is a reality
Posted: 02-10-2021 02:09 | Views: 4309
DFLTI works actively offering opportunities to academics at risk; Scholars at Risk Section Greece is a reality due to the efforts of the Deputy Head the Department Professor Stavros Katsios
3rd International Conference Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges [DCAC-2021]
Posted: 26-02-2021 15:22 | Updated: 27-05-2021 21:41 | Views: 35891
Start: 28-05-2021 |End: 29-05-2021
Welcome to the 3rd International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges. This year the International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges will be held online. It is hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University) and depending on the pandemic circumstances there will be an option for physical presence. Conference dates: 28-29 May, 2021.
Study in Greece together with 15 Greek universities –among them Ionian University- at the 11th International Education Fair Georgia
Posted: 26-05-2021 14:11 | Views: 2098
On 27th and 28th May more than 20 Greek representatives will introduce Greek higher education in Georgia.
1st Colloquium of DFLTI Master students and PhD candidates
Posted: 10-05-2021 16:48 | Updated: 25-05-2021 11:46 | Views: 7312
Start: 25-05-2021 |End: 27-05-2021
14th Audiovisual Arts Festival [May 13 - 31, 2021]
Posted: 10-05-2021 18:00 | Views: 23098
Start: 13-05-2021 |End: 31-05-2021
The program of the 14th Audiovisual Arts Festival, which will take place on 13-31 May, covers, as every year, a wide range of artistic, educational and scientific activities.
7th Satellite Event GeNeDis 2022 - Lecture by Prof. Christina Dalla
Posted: 29-04-2021 10:12 | Views: 4013
Prof. Christina Dalla will give a talk entitled " Sex differences in stress, cognition and depression: insights from animal models" Thursday, May 6th, at 16:00
Ιnvitation to Submit - Special Issue: Quantum, molecular and unconventional computing
Posted: 23-04-2021 11:23 | Views: 5287
Special Issue: Quantum, molecular and unconventional computing
Guest Editor: Dr. Theodore Andronikos, Department of Informatics, Ionian University (
Submission deadline: 31 October 2021
BYRON: Online Conference about the Greek Revolution
Posted: 21-04-2021 10:32 | Views: 8191
In the context of the celebrations for the 200 Years of the Greek Revolution, the Ionian University organizes an online conference on the historical view and pedagogical viewpoint of the Revolution. | May 6th, 2021 at 16:00
Spring Semester Online Seminars - Title: Archives and Public Administration
Posted: 19-04-2021 13:55 | Views: 3820
1st Seminar: General State Archives (GSA) and Formation of the National Archival Policy
| Speaker: Ms. Anastasia Dikopoulou, Archivist - MBA | Friday, April 23, 2021 at 18:30.
Webinar: Reinventing Inventiveness, Recreating Creativity – International Perspectives on AI and IP Law
Posted: 07-04-2021 18:24 | Views: 4665
Organised by the Edith Cowan University, the Macquarie University and the Ionian University (Laboratory for the Documentation of Cultural and Historical Inheritance, CHDocLab of DALMS and the European project SIENNA)
GeNeDis 2022 5th Satellite Event - Lecture by Prof. Ioannis Charalampopoulos
Posted: 30-03-2021 13:19 | Views: 6052
Τhe GeNeDis 2022 satellite events provide the very latest neuroscience updates, from leading international experts.
Online lecture given "The superiority of the physical object: thoughts on the history of the design of printed books"
Posted: 22-03-2021 10:38 | Views: 4102
Online lecture "The superiority of the physical object: thoughts on the history of the design of printed books"
Posted: 12-03-2021 10:47 | Views: 14057
Online lecture "The illustration of prints in 19th century in Greece: relations between typography and engraving"
Posted: 01-02-2021 13:41 | Views: 12491
Important Date: 11-02-2021
Informative webinar "Open Access at the IEEE"
Posted: 20-01-2021 13:27 | Views: 5394
Important Date: 22-01-2021