All News
BiHeLab Summer School "Neurosciences and Mathematic Education"
Posted: 21-06-2016 11:19 | Updated: 21-06-2016 11:54 | Views: 4075
Start: 30-06-2016 |End: 04-07-2016
Summer Music Academy 2016: Contemporary Music in Corfu [19-26/6/2016]
Posted: 17-06-2016 15:18 | Updated: 19-06-2016 18:12 | Views: 5486
Start: 25-06-2016 |End: 26-06-2016
Online article about research for interactive TV by Dr Ioannis Deligiannis
Posted: 12-05-2016 11:52 | Updated: 10-06-2016 12:23 | Views: 10405
Online article about research for interactive TV conducted by Dr Ioannis Deligiannis of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, published by the Athens News Agency Macedonian Press Agency.
Speech by Christos Klairis [7/6/16]
Posted: 06-06-2016 11:56 | Views: 3850
Important Date: 07-06-2016
1st Mediterranean Violoncello Class Meeting, 27th of June – 02nd of July 2016
Posted: 31-05-2016 09:49 | Views: 5454
Start: 27-06-2016 |End: 02-07-2016
Scientific Musicalogic Symposium [10-12/06/2016]
Posted: 30-05-2016 11:22 | Views: 5090
Start: 10-06-2016 |End: 12-06-2016
Department of Audio & Visual Arts: Art Athina - 12 New Artists [26-29/5/2016]
Posted: 23-05-2016 13:41 | Updated: 29-05-2016 15:23 | Views: 9254
Start: 26-05-2016 |End: 29-05-2016
Department of Audio & Visual Arts participates in this year's Art Athina by presenting works of 12 graduates and students of the Department.
Article on Museum Research at
Posted: 23-05-2016 14:57 | Views: 5172
The re-posted an article by the Athens News Agency/Macedonian News Agency about augmented reality in the museums by researchers of the Ionian University.
International Workshop on e-Health & e-Care Platform
Posted: 23-05-2016 13:41 | Views: 4720
Start: 30-05-2016 |End: 31-05-2016
AdriHealthMob – Adriatic Model of Sustainable Mobility in the Health & Care Sector
“International Workshop on e-Health & e-Care Platform”
Corfu, Greece 30-31 May 2016
The Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology (BiHeLab) of the Ionian University and InnoPolis - Innovation and Culture Center are organising an international conference (...)
Speech of Monika Kopytowska [24/5/16]
Posted: 23-05-2016 12:30 | Views: 3643
Important Date: 24-05-2016
Speech on «Cyberhate and othering: constructing refugee crisis» [24/5/16]
Posted: 20-05-2016 11:51 | Views: 4466
Important Date: 24-05-2016
"Morbus gallicus" or "syphilis": the disease as a historical phenomenon
Posted: 20-05-2016 09:24 | Views: 7418
Important Date: 27-05-2016
Department of Music Studies: Seminar with Jorge Senosiain [20/5/16]
Posted: 19-05-2016 13:47 | Views: 6085
Important Date: 20-05-2016
Department of Music Studies: Flute and Piano Concert with Maria Gabriella Bassi [20/5/16]
Posted: 18-05-2016 11:56 | Views: 7063
Important Date: 20-05-2016
10th annual Audiovisual Arts Festival [May 17-22 2016, Corfu]
Posted: 29-12-2015 13:17 | Updated: 17-05-2016 13:18 | Views: 18927
Start: 17-05-2016 |End: 22-05-2016
Τhe Department of Audio and Visual Arts (AVARTS) and the Department of Music Studies (Electroacoustic Music Research and Applications Lab, EPHMEE), of the Ionian University join once again forces in order to organize the 10th annual Festival of Audiovisual Arts, held from May 17 to May 22 2016 in Corfu. Festival's schedule (updated 15/05/2016):
Music Education Seminar - International Summer Music Academy 2016
Posted: 16-05-2016 14:02 | Views: 13322
Start: 11-07-2016 |End: 14-07-2016
It is our great pleasure to announce the hosting of the four-day seminar in Music Education that is part of the International Summer Music Academy 2016 of the Ionian University. This years’ seminar is entitled: “The communicative nature of musical experience in early years”. The seminar will take place between the 11th and 14th July 2016 in Corfu, Greece.
Prof. R. Ascott and Prof. Stelarc as Honorary Doctors of the Dept. of Audio and Visual Arts [18/5/16]
Posted: 21-04-2016 12:08 | Updated: 16-05-2016 13:43 | Views: 19118
Important Date: 18-05-2016
Having been established on 2004 and following twelve years of presence in the Greek Academia, the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of Ionian University will have the honor to nominate as the first Honorary Doctors of the Department, Professor Roy Ascott and Professor Stelarc.
Department of Music Studies: Concerts and Presentations [Jazz Postgraduate Programme]
Posted: 12-05-2016 15:09 | Views: 8823
Start: 14-05-2016 |End: 15-05-2016
Lecture and Piano Recital [9-10/6/2016]
Posted: 11-05-2016 17:07 | Views: 4792
Start: 09-06-2016 |End: 10-06-2016