All News
Educating translators: experiences and testimonies
Posted: 09-05-2016 12:54 | Views: 6611
Important Date: 13-05-2016
Department of Audio & Visual Arts: 11th Photograph Exhibition of the Photography Workshop
Posted: 09-05-2016 12:42 | Views: 6265
Start: 11-05-2016 |End: 25-05-2016
The 11th Photography Exhibition of the Photography Workshop of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University, will take place from 11 to May 25, 2016. Opening: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 20:00, Old Fortress Prison.
Award Ceremony for the 3rd School and University Student Historical Documentary Competition
Posted: 09-05-2016 12:27 | Views: 4506
Important Date: 13-05-2016
Exhibition by Stelarc in Corfu [May 18th – 23rd, 2016, Municipal Gallery of Corfu]
Posted: 06-05-2016 13:30 | Views: 7951
Start: 18-05-2016 |End: 23-05-2016
An exhibition with audiovisual material and documents from the recent project of the famous Cypriot-Australian artist Stelarc, begins on May 18th, 2016 at the Municipal Gallery of Corfu (Old Town). The exhibition takes place within the activities of the 10th annual Audiovisual Arts Festival organized by Ionian University (May 17th – 22nd, 2016) and will remain open to the public until May 23rd.
Il Mediterraneo che ci unisce [06/05/2016]
Posted: 05-05-2016 12:38 | Views: 4227
Important Date: 06-05-2016
Workshops of the 10th Audiovisual Arts Festival
Posted: 18-04-2016 14:37 | Updated: 28-04-2016 17:39 | Views: 9483
Start: 18-04-2016 |End: 06-05-2016
Under the 10th Audiovisual Arts Festival special thematic workshops are organized:Open and free online participation form [UNTIL 06/05/2016]
Comics Translation Workshop [19/05/16]
Posted: 26-04-2016 12:39 | Views: 5945
Important Date: 19-05-2016
Department of Music Studies: "The Next Step Quintet" at Gala Concert at New York
Posted: 25-04-2016 13:25 | Views: 4528
Important Date: 21-05-2016
Best wishes for a Happy Easter by the Rectorate of the Ionian University
Posted: 22-04-2016 18:11 | Views: 4601
Lecture on "Psychiatry and Law" [25/04/2016, Corfu Gallery]
Posted: 22-04-2016 17:29 | Views: 2999
Important Date: 25-04-2016
Piano Concert with Bernhard Pötsch [13/5/2016]
Posted: 19-04-2016 15:58 | Views: 4573
Important Date: 13-05-2016
"The Twin Mothers" - a musical based on a true story in 19th century Paxos
Posted: 18-04-2016 11:54 | Views: 4097
Important Date: 19-04-2016
Ionian Academy
Tuesday, April 19th
Entrance fee: 10 euros
The proceeds of the show will be donated to the financial support of the choir of the students, who have been invited to participate in a very important meeting of choirs in the famous Carnegie Hall in New York in (...)
Department of Music Studies: Seminars and Concert with Markus Stockhausen [18-20/4/16]
Posted: 15-04-2016 13:26 | Views: 5265
Start: 18-04-2016 |End: 20-04-2016
Workshop "Intangible Cultural Heritage and Cultural Identity" [21/04/2016]
Posted: 14-04-2016 16:47 | Views: 4209
Important Date: 21-04-2016
Updates on the Academic Calendar 2015-2016
Posted: 02-06-2015 14:44 | Updated: 14-04-2016 13:32 | Views: 19245
The Supplementary exams period 2015-2016 has changed. New supplementary exams period: From 08/09/2016 to 30/09/2016.
Department of Music Studies: PIANODRUM with Christof Moser and Alex Dostal [11/5/16]
Posted: 14-04-2016 11:44 | Views: 5240
Important Date: 11-05-2016
Prize award for the Art of New Media to the artist Marianna Strapatsaki
Posted: 11-04-2016 17:28 | Views: 4411
Important Date: 18-04-2016
Eight unique women will be awarded by the "EXALEIPTRON" Piraeus Group Women in Arts, Letters, Culture, Science. Marianna Strapatsaki, artist and former Associate Professor of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University, will be awarded with the Prize for the Art of New Media.
10th Audiovisual Arts Festival: BioArt Workshop at the Ionian University
Posted: 11-04-2016 12:56 | Views: 7548
Important Date: 19-05-2016
Dr Adam Zaretsky, well-known bioartist and professor at Marist College, New York, USA, will perform a Bioart workshop, within the 10th Audiovisual Arts Festival, taking place in Corfu during May 2016.