All News
Leap Project: Computer games tournament for blind and partially sighted students
Posted: 08-03-2016 18:50 | Views: 5078
The computer games' tournament for blind and partially sighted students, implemented within the LEAP project, has begun.
International Choir Festival and Competition in Corfu
Posted: 19-02-2016 14:33 | Updated: 08-03-2016 16:10 | Views: 11950
Start: 12-10-2016 |End: 16-10-2016
Department of Audio and Visual Arts: Group Student Exhibition
Posted: 26-02-2016 11:08 | Updated: 08-03-2016 16:07 | Views: 5386
Start: 08-03-2016 |End: 19-03-2016
The course of Advanced Drawing of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts organizes a group show with students' work under the theme:
“Improbable Probabilities - 10 variations on a theme” [8-19 March 2016]. The opening event will take place at Corfu Gallery on Tuesday March 8, 2016 at 20:00.
Department of Music Studies: Mozart Opera [11/03/16]
Posted: 07-03-2016 14:43 | Views: 4398
Important Date: 11-03-2016
Lecture on: "Linguistic pluralism and human rights crisis in Europe" [8/3/16]
Posted: 04-03-2016 12:18 | Views: 5368
Important Date: 08-03-2016
On 8/3/2016, Assistant Professors Maria Tsigou and Sotirios Livas gave a lecture titled “Linguistic pluralism and human rights in crisis-ridden Europe” at the Solomos Museum, Corfu, within the framework of collaboration between the Laboratory for Language and Politics of DFLTI and the Society for Corfiot Studies.
The Rector meets the President of the Ionian Federation of Culture of America
Posted: 04-03-2016 10:33 | Views: 4817
Flute Masterclass by Michael Faust
Posted: 02-03-2016 16:52 | Views: 6169
Start: 07-03-2016 |End: 09-03-2016
Department of Music Studies:Jazz Seminars and Concerts 2016
Posted: 01-03-2016 12:10 | Views: 6525
Start: 11-01-2016 |End: 20-04-2016
Th newspaper "To Vima" for the biography of Nikolaos Mantzaros, a work by Assis. Prof. K. Kardamis
Posted: 29-02-2016 10:58 | Views: 8165
R. Ascott, Stelarc & M. Danezis: keynote speakers at the Ionian University Conference
Posted: 25-02-2016 18:36 | Updated: 28-02-2016 19:37 | Views: 13975
Start: 20-05-2016 |End: 22-05-2016
Groundbreaking pioneers of contemporary art and science will be this year’s keynote speakers for the international interdisciplinary conference of the Ionian University taking place in Corfu: British Roy Ascott, Australian with Cypriot origin Stelarc, (both winners of "Golden Nica" at Ars Electronica), and Greek astrophysicist Dr Manos Danezis.
Newspaper "Imerisia" about eHealth by Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab -BIHELab
Posted: 24-02-2016 16:46 | Views: 4467
Department of Music Studies: Lunchtime Concerts [26/2/2016]
Posted: 22-02-2016 15:13 | Views: 4514
Important Date: 26-02-2016
Building a Museum: the Kapodistrias Museum
Posted: 16-02-2016 09:15 | Views: 6380
Start: 16-02-2016 |End: 21-02-2016
Newspaper "Imerisia" about Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab -BIHELab
Posted: 12-02-2016 17:21 | Views: 4846
Corfu travels to Ayvalık - Soloup
Posted: 12-02-2016 11:08 | Views: 5443
Start: 19-02-2016 |End: 18-03-2016
World Radio Day
Posted: 09-02-2016 14:35 | Views: 3383
Start: 13-02-2016 |End: 14-02-2016
Proceedings of ICIL 2014 just published!
Posted: 09-02-2016 13:14 | Views: 3892
The volume contains the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics 2014, Organized by the Ionian University, the University of Macedonia, INSEIT and the research team of the Ionian University IHRC.
4th Summer Piano Institute Corfu [June, 19-26/6/16]
Posted: 08-02-2016 19:06 | Views: 7161
Start: 16-06-2016 |End: 26-06-2016
Piano Plus Festival welcomes you to the Third Summer Piano Institute for university- age students. Application deadline June 1, 2016.
The Language Project: Hands-on Subtitling Workshop [25-26/2/16]
Posted: 05-02-2016 14:38 | Views: 8744
Start: 25-02-2016 |End: 26-02-2016
The Language Projectteam is organizing a two-day introductory subtitling workshop. Application Deadline: 15/2. Date of Workshop: 25-26/2.