All News
Department of Music Studies: Seminar and Piano Concert [Ionian Academy, 26/02/16]
Posted: 05-02-2016 13:23 | Views: 5331
Start: 26-02-2016 |End: 29-02-2016
Participation of the Dept. Music Studies in the Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs [30/1/2016]
Posted: 26-01-2016 09:43 | Views: 10619
Important Date: 30-01-2016
On the occasion of the religious holiday of the Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs it will be celebrated a liturgy at the Holy Apostle Jason and Sosipater Church located in Anemomilos, Corfu Town, at 8:00 a.m., with the participation of the students and professors of the MA with specialization in Byzantine Music from the Department of Music Studies, Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts, Ionian (...)
Celebration for the 250 years since the birth of the founder of the Ionian Academy
Posted: 22-01-2016 14:00 | Views: 4161
Important Date: 07-02-2016
Department of Audiovisual Arts: The third online educational game for blind children
Posted: 15-01-2016 12:55 | Views: 8382
The third free computer game for blind children and adults, the Curve, is completed. The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University works on developing computer games for blind children, as part of the project LEAP (Listen-Learn-Play).
Prenatal Control - Medical and legal approaches
Posted: 29-09-2015 14:21 | Updated: 09-12-2015 09:52 | Views: 4506
Important Date: 31-03-2015
Take pARTy in the Museum
Posted: 08-12-2015 19:01 | Views: 4036
Important Date: 10-12-2015
Message of the New Rector and the New Deputy Rectors
Posted: 08-12-2015 18:36 | Views: 11835
Important Date: 08-12-2015
7th Conference on Information Law and Ethics [Pretoria, 22-23/2/16]
Posted: 23-03-2015 15:36 | Updated: 01-12-2015 18:42 | Views: 8123
Start: 22-02-2016 |End: 23-02-2016
The 7th International Conference on Information Law is co-organized by the Ionian University, African Centre of Excellence on Information Ethics, University of Pretoria and the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT). Place: Pretoria. Date: February 22-23, 2016. Abstracts deadline: 15.10.2015. Notification of abstracts acceptance: 15.11.2015. Full papers deadline: 15.1.2016.
Collaboration of the Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab with foreign University Labs
Posted: 30-10-2015 14:33 | Updated: 13-11-2015 13:20 | Views: 4461
Department of Music Studies: AQUA JAZZ [Corfu, 10-14/11/15]
Posted: 23-10-2015 12:58 | Views: 6171
Start: 10-11-2015 |End: 14-11-2015
2nd European Music Therapy Day: Presentation and Open Workshop
Posted: 22-10-2015 16:37 | Views: 4870
Important Date: 15-11-2015
Clinical Group Improvisation in Music Therapy: How does it work? Presentation and Open Workshop Come to celebrate with us the 2nd European Music Therapy Day Presentation/Facilitation: Ioanna Etmektsoglou, Music Therapist, Assistant Professor in Psychology of Music, Ionian University, Departmet of Music SUNDAY, 15 NOVEMBER 2015 UNIVERSITY MUSIC BUILDING Old Fortress, Corfu 17:00 – 19:00 FREE (...)
Honorary Workshop for Markos and Spiridon Theotokis
Posted: 22-10-2015 13:42 | Views: 7527
Important Date: 30-10-2015
Department of Informatics: System Development of Applications' Automated Evaluation
Posted: 02-10-2015 11:45 | Views: 7934
Department of Informatics: "Corfu Innovation Summit" [5-7/10/15]
Posted: 29-09-2015 11:53 | Views: 4601
Start: 05-10-2015 |End: 07-10-2015
The Department of Informatics, Ionian University organizes the first "Corfu Innovation Summit" in the context of the research and development project PACiNNO - Platform for trans-Academic Cooperation in Innovation, which is co-funded by the European Union (IPA-Adriatic CrossBorder Cooperation Programme 2007-2013). The conference will be held on 5-7 October 2015 in the premises of the Corfu Holiday Palace Hotel in Corfu.
Freshmen 2015 Registration at Ionian University - welcome2ionio
Posted: 09-09-2015 12:48 | Updated: 18-09-2015 11:42 | Views: 19147
Start: 10-09-2015 |End: 24-09-2015
Department of Music Studies: Music education program [October 2015 - May 2016]
Posted: 15-09-2015 16:03 | Views: 8171
Start: 01-10-2015 |End: 31-05-2016
Assistant Prof. Maria Bottis: How open data became proprietary in the European Court of Justice
Posted: 15-09-2015 13:32 | Views: 4094
Important Date: 24-09-2015
Assistant Prof. Maria Bottis delivers a lecture for the NEXA Center for Internet and Society, 24.9.2015, 16.00-18.00, entitled: "How open data became proprietary in the European Court of Justice".