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Τextanalyse und Translation Seminar
Posted: 10-04-2017 15:06 | Views: 8242
Important Date: 10-04-2017
Dr Anastasia Parianou, Professor at DFLTI, and Dr Sigmund Kvam, Professor at the Østfold University College in Norway, led a seminar entitled 'Textanalyse und Translation' (Text analysis and Translation).The seminar was held between the 3rd and 6th April 2017 at DFLTI, in which the German-speaking students of the DFLTI took part.
Proclamation of Archbishop of Athens Mr. Hieronymus II as an Honorary Doctorate
Posted: 05-12-2016 12:32 | Updated: 13-12-2016 14:53 | Views: 17035
The Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University proclaimed the Archbishop of Athens, Hieronymus II, as an Honorary Doctorate. The proclamation ceremony was hold on Monday, December 12th, 2016, at 19:00 in the Ionian Academy.
Ceremony review of Titos Patrikios' proclamation as an honorary doctorate of the Ionian University
Posted: 10-11-2016 13:11 | Views: 8761
Visit of the Israel Ambassador Mrs Irit Ben-Abba at the Ionian University
Posted: 09-11-2016 14:05 | Views: 8715
Start: 08-11-2016 |End: 23-11-2016
Freshmen Welcome by the Dean Professor Chrissikopoulos
Posted: 19-10-2016 14:52 | Views: 10341
Important Date: 19-10-2016
I.U. Bihelab: Neuroscientist Clifford Kentros press conference
Posted: 09-10-2016 20:38 | Views: 3895
12th EUTIC International Conference
Posted: 06-05-2016 13:14 | Updated: 23-09-2016 12:30 | Views: 12534
Start: 15-09-2016 |End: 17-09-2016
The European Multidisciplinary Research Network on the Challenges and Uses of Information and Communication Technologies (EUTIC) conducted the 12th edition of the EUTIC International Conference, co-organized by MICA (France) and the University of Athens (Greece), supported by the Ionian University, in the Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands, Zakynthos Island on 15-17 September 2016.
Department of Music Studies: The Vocal Ensemble in New York
Posted: 06-07-2016 13:22 | Views: 8322
The "1st Mediterranean Cello Meeting" was successfully completed
Posted: 04-07-2016 17:33 | Views: 6180
Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomaios receives an Honorary Doctorate of the Ionian University
Posted: 08-12-2014 15:02 | Updated: 11-12-2014 15:01 | Views: 19001
'Fighting corruption': International event about Transparency in Thessaloniki
Posted: 17-11-2014 11:36 | Views: 3147
Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2014) workshop
Posted: 07-11-2014 11:48 | Views: 3882
The Department of Informatics, Ionian University, organized the 9th international "Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2014)" workshop, in collaboration with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Ionian University - Dr William Mallinson: Conference Participation (2013)
Posted: 09-12-2013 11:08 | Views: 3653
Adriatic Olive Grove: Seminar Tasting Olive Oils - Photos and Videos
Posted: 30-10-2013 16:02 | Views: 3781
Seminars Photo Galleries Seminars Video Presentations
Related announcement: Olive Oil Seminars
Official website: The Adriatic Olive (...)