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ebook conference proceedings Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2017
Posted: 18-09-2018 11:39 | Views: 6791
The ebook with the proceedings of the interdisciplinary conference Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2017 was published by the Ionian University - Department of Audio & Visual Arts in September 2018. This digital publication includes 38 contributions, in Greek and English, of writers from 14 different countries, accepted by the scientific and artistic committee.
ΤΤΤ2017 Proceedings
"YELLOW TOURISM Crime and Corruption in the Holiday Sector", Springer International Publishing
Posted: 05-09-2018 17:03 | Views: 4512
The Βοοκ "YELLOW TOURISM Crime and Corruption in the Holiday Sector" published by Springer International Publishing, is a follow-up to the 1st International Conference on" Yellow Tourism "(Tourism and Crime) organized by the Ionian University (Ionian Academy) April 27-29, 2017, addressing every form of threat and challenge to the tourist product from criminal activities.
Summer holidays 2018
Posted: 16-07-2018 13:46 | Updated: 27-07-2018 14:37 | Views: 5568
The summer period for the administrative services of the Ionian University will last until August 17, 2018.
Kick-off meeting of the project Polysemi - Park of literary travels of Greece and Magna Graecia
Posted: 05-06-2018 19:24 | Views: 3519
Academic Calendar 2018-2019
Posted: 10-05-2018 12:56 | Views: 15139
Start: 01-09-2018 |End: 31-08-2019
The academic calendar for the year 2018-2019 is published with dates on tuition, exams and holidays.
Department of Audio and Visual Arts: 13th Student Photography Exhibition [Opening 4/5/2018, Corfu, Greece]
Posted: 02-05-2018 13:10 | Views: 8321
Start: 04-05-2018 |End: 19-05-2018
The Laboratory of Photography of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts invites you at the opening of the 13th Student Photography Exhibition, Friday the 4th of May, 2018, at 20.00, in the Prison of the Old Fortress.
International Summer Academy for Intercultural Communication
Posted: 07-03-2018 14:00 | Views: 10359
Start: 14-06-2018 |End: 22-06-2018
The International Summer Academy for Intercultural Communication (ISAIC) will be held in June, 2018 for the first time at the Department of Foreing Languages, Translation and Interpreting (DFLTI) of the Ionian University. The main goal of the Academy is to cultivate intercultural understanding and awareness and develop intercultural skills. More info:
Visit of Greek diaspora MEP's and senators to the Ionian University
Posted: 11-12-2017 21:32 | Views: 3580
In the Ionian Academy, Vice-rector Prof. Theodore Pappas met with seven politicians of Greek descent from the United States, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
The Ionian University's BiHELab supports the Heidelberg Laureates Forum as an academic partner
Posted: 11-12-2017 11:17 | Views: 2732
The Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology, BiHELab of the Ionian University, led by Professor Panagiotis Vlamos, becomes the first Greek research laboratory to support, as an academic partner, the Heidelberg Laureates Forum (HLF), the institution of the annual scientific meetings for Mathematics and Information Technology.
Participation of IU in the US Information Action "Promoting Entrepreneurship & Innovation"
Posted: 09-11-2017 11:29 | Views: 5363
Graduation Timetable - November 2017
Posted: 02-11-2017 11:24 | Views: 14916
Start: 28-11-2017 |End: 30-11-2017
Olivenia, Information and Communication Technologies for olive growers
Posted: 25-10-2017 18:40 | Views: 5722
Freshmen welcome event [24/10/2017, 12:00, Ionian Academy]
Posted: 03-10-2017 13:33 | Updated: 23-10-2017 11:24 | Views: 10584
Important Date: 24-10-2017
Press Release by the Ministry of Culture for this year's excavation on Therasia
Posted: 17-10-2017 11:08 | Views: 5376
Newsletter "ευρυ-where"
Posted: 16-10-2017 11:57 | Views: 3853
Start: 16-10-2017 |End: 31-05-2018
Academic Calendar 2017-2018
Posted: 31-08-2017 09:18 | Updated: 04-10-2017 11:24 | Views: 19478
Start: 01-09-2017 |End: 31-08-2018
Aspects of Middle Eastern and aspects of Turkey
Posted: 26-09-2017 14:46 | Views: 5364
Important Date: 26-09-2017
The UK Ambassador Kate Smith at the Ionian Academy
Posted: 21-09-2017 13:45 | Views: 4735
Official collaboration of the Ionian University and the Hellenic Open University
Posted: 07-09-2017 20:15 | Views: 4139