All News
Freshmen 2017 Registration at Ionian University - welcome2ionio
Posted: 06-09-2017 15:59 | Views: 13723
Start: 05-09-2017 |End: 14-09-2017
International distinction for the DFLTI Interpreting Studies sector
Posted: 06-09-2017 10:41 | Views: 5644
Important Date: 06-09-2017
Zoi Resta, member of the Interpretating Studies teaching staff at DFLTI, represented the Panhellenic Association of Professional Translators Graduates of the Ionian University (PEEMPIP) and received the 2017 FIT Prize for Interpreting Excellence in a special ceremony held in Brisbane, Australia as part of the 2017 FIT Congress.
Innovative application by BiHELab - Department of Informatics
Posted: 25-08-2017 22:54 | Views: 6237
Professor Georgios Kentrotis awarded with the Dámaso Alonso Award
Posted: 03-08-2017 10:33 | Views: 3515
Summer holidays 2017
Posted: 01-08-2017 21:55 | Views: 3352
Start: 01-08-2017 |End: 28-08-2017
Call for teaching proposals at the Ionian University
Posted: 26-07-2017 11:40 | Views: 14593
Start: 26-07-2017 |End: 30-08-2017
Call for teaching proposals at the Ionian University by young researchers holding a PhD, in the implementation of "Obtaining Academic Teaching Experience for Young Researchers Doctorate Holders" program.
Dimos Dimitriadis is the secretary of the International Association of Jazz Schools (IASJ)
Posted: 17-07-2017 12:11 | Views: 7663
Summer Seminar on Greek Language and Culture
Posted: 06-07-2017 14:26 | Updated: 07-07-2017 10:29 | Views: 9235
Start: 01-08-2017 |End: 31-08-2017
Summer Seminar on Greek Language and CultureDepartment of History-Ionian University
The organization, support and operation of the seminar is entirely undertaken by the Department of History-Ionian University
The seminar will be held in the building of the Department of History which is located within the city of Corfu, 72 I. Theotoki St.
Scientific coordinator of the program: (...)
Corfu Summer School on European Business Law [24-28/7/2017]
Posted: 15-06-2017 11:47 | Updated: 17-06-2017 12:21 | Views: 8147
Start: 24-07-2017 |End: 28-07-2017
New book on Higher Education by Assoc. Professor Konstantinos Angelakos
Posted: 12-06-2017 11:20 | Views: 8026
Department of Informatics: Summer School
Posted: 21-03-2017 12:26 | Updated: 09-06-2017 10:20 | Views: 10999
Start: 06-07-2017 |End: 12-07-2017
Department of Informatics: Summer Programming and Robotics School
Posted: 08-06-2017 17:36 | Views: 5991
Start: 19-06-2017 |End: 23-06-2017
Corfu Summer School in Hybrid Arts 2017 [29/05-11/06/2017]
Posted: 18-05-2017 18:11 | Updated: 28-05-2017 22:37 | Views: 7278
Start: 29-05-2017 |End: 11-06-2017
The Corfu Summer School in Hybrid Arts will begin in May 29th, 2017, integrating both Greek mythological inspiration connected with the Ionian Islands and the (almost) unlimited possibilities of new media. Official Website:
Announcement of University Gymnasium - 3rd Hiking
Posted: 11-05-2017 11:42 | Updated: 26-05-2017 18:09 | Views: 5048
Important Date: 04-06-2017
Interdisciplinary Conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" 26-28/5/17
Posted: 11-04-2017 19:26 | Updated: 26-05-2017 11:28 | Views: 6818
Start: 26-05-2017 |End: 28-05-2017
The schedule [.v16] of the Interdisciplinary Conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" has been updated.
Important artists and scientists as special guests at TTT2017
Posted: 11-01-2017 12:38 | Updated: 26-05-2017 11:27 | Views: 11548
Important Date: 11-01-2017
Well-known personalities of contemporary art and science will be this year’s keynote speakers for the international interdisciplinary conference of the Ionian University taking place in Corfu: Gunalan Nadarajan, Irina Aristarkhova, Luis Graca, Marta de Menezes, Roy Ascott, María Antonia González Valerio, Andrew Carnie, Polona Tratnik, Adam Zaretsky and Kathy High. Conference TABOO - TRANSGRESSION - TRANSCENDENCE in Art and Science (TTT2017). Official Website:
Yorgos Kentrotis wins the "Giorgos Seferis" award
Posted: 25-05-2017 15:12 | Views: 11300
Important Date: 25-05-2017
On May 20th, 2017, Professor Yorgos Kentrotis was honoured with the first prize of the 1st International Poetry Contest "Giorgos Seferis" for his poem entitled "Dionysios Solomos annotates and comments as he translates the Aria of Pietro Metastasio". The award ceremony took place in the Sala delle Capriate of Palazzo Steri in Piazza Marina, Palermo, Italy.
Ennemis de sang - Arkas' theatrical play "Bloody Counter-parts" translated in French
Posted: 24-05-2017 15:14 | Views: 4174
Important Date: 24-05-2017
• In May 2017, the theatrical play entitled "Bloody Counter-parts", written by the Greek sketch artist Arkás and translated into French by Dimitrios Filias, Associate Professor at DFLTI, was published by Grigoris Publications. The play is the inaugural publication of the brand new book series called “Modern Greek Literature Translated”, the scientific coordinator of which is Professor Filias.
12th Student Photo Exhibition [12-26/05/2017]
Posted: 10-05-2017 12:16 | Views: 6095
Start: 12-05-2017 |End: 26-05-2017
Photo Lab of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts invites you to the opening of the 12th Student Photo Exhibition on Friday the 12th of May, 8 p.m. at prisons of Old Fortress.