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Museum Collections of the Ionian University. Lecture series "DISCUSSIONS FOR THE MUSEUM 2022-2023"
Posted: 21-11-2022 14:04 | Views: 3453
Start: 21-11-2022 |End: 18-05-2023
The Museum of the Ionian University, following its efforts to create a climate that encourages dialogue between communities and to maintain contact with museums in general, continues for the second year the series of lectures, under the title, " Discussions for the Museum 2022-2023". The program begins in November 2022 and will run through May 2023, with one guest each month. The guests, experts in museums and heritage management, will discuss issues related to the sustainability of museum institutions, the design of participatory actions, the influence of museums on social change, and the cultivation of positive psychology through their operation.
Press release for the progress of project actions “IRSCHEN” (Interdisciplinary Resilience through Science and Cultural Heritage Network)
Posted: 14-11-2022 14:38 | Views: 2563
Important Date: 11-11-2022
Participation of the UNESCO Chair at the IU at the 30th anniversary celebration of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme
Posted: 14-11-2022 01:33 | Views: 2039
UNESCO has convenend a 30th anniversary celebration of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme. This anniversary conference celebrated the accomplishments over the last three decades and advance authentic interdisciplinary dialogues and the cross-sectoral mobilization needed to confront complex challenges on the horizon.
17th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation & Personalization “SMAP 2022″ (ONLINE)
Posted: 03-11-2022 11:23 | Views: 3798
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2022 - Great international participation with more than 1300 submissions
Posted: 27-10-2022 16:02 | Updated: 31-10-2022 13:44 | Views: 4374
The Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2022, organized for fourth year by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University had a great participation with more than 1.300 movie submissions!
Webinar “What does a good day at work look like?
Posted: 31-10-2022 11:37 | Views: 3334
Webinar “What does a good day at work look like? Finding joy, making the most of the workday, and contributing to a
positive organizational culture" By Liz Cooper - Monday, November 7th 2022 at 17.00.
Temporary exhibition "The Industrial Heritage of Corfu, 19th - 20th century"
Posted: 24-10-2022 11:16 | Views: 2773
Start: 26-10-2022 |End: 04-12-2022
The Municipal Gallery of Corfu in collaboration with the Albert Cohen Corfu Association present the exhibition "The Industrial Heritage of Corfu, 19th – 20th century", on the occasion of the publication of the homonymous bilingual book by the Albert Cohen Association in 2021. The scientific team of the Museum Collections of the Ionian University is curating the exhibition under the (...)
28th Panhellenic Academic Libraries Conference (Corfu, October 19-21, 2022)
Posted: 22-09-2022 12:34 | Updated: 15-10-2022 14:34 | Views: 10366
[Live] Global Online Symposium META-Xenakis (30/9 - 1/10/2022)
Posted: 30-09-2022 17:56 | Updated: 01-10-2022 16:43 | Views: 6103
Start: 30-09-2022 |End: 01-10-2022
The META-Xenakis global symposium will be held online on September 30 and October 1, 2022, by various educational institutions across 5 countries all over the world connected via the web.
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2022
Posted: 23-08-2022 12:13 | Updated: 29-09-2022 16:33 | Views: 20349
Start: 24-08-2022 |End: 02-10-2022
The aim of the Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2022 is to present the best from the field of animation from all around the world. The festival also aims to preserve and help develop the cultural heritage of animated film, contribute to creation of new films, provide ground for potential international co-productions and encourages dialogue between professionals, filmmakers and the public. Submission Deadline: 02/10/2022
Information Day - Digital platform for the Promotion of the Musical Heritage of Corfu - TRUMPET
Posted: 02-09-2022 12:49 | Views: 2831
Ionian University invites all interested parties to participate in the Information Day of the TRUMPET project, which will be held in person at the Ionian Academy (Akadimias & Kapodistriou Str., Corfu), on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 16:00 with free admission for the public.
The TRUMPET project entitled: "Digital platform for the Promotion of the Musical Heritage of Corfu" is co-financed (...)
Information Day - Smart digital applications and tools for the effective promotion and enhancement of the Ionian Islands bio-diversity
Posted: 31-08-2022 14:27 | Views: 3221
Information Day
Smart digital applications and tools for the effective promotion and enhancement of the Ionian Islands bio-diversity
Ionian University invites all interested parties to participate in the ERMIS project Information Day, which will take place in person at the Ionian Academy (Akadimias & Kapodistriou, Corfu), on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 18:00 with free admission for the (...)
12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence - SETN 2022
Posted: 31-08-2022 14:17 | Views: 4073
12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence "SETN 2022"
Corfu, Greece, September 7-9, 2022
The Humanistic & Social Informatics Laboratory (HILab - of the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University organizes the "12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2022)", in collaboration with the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN). The (...)
Collaboratory between the Ionian University's UNESCO Chair and the Institute of Studies on the Mediterranean Rim of China's Zhejiang University of International Studies.
Posted: 13-08-2022 00:04 | Views: 3857
On August 11, 2022, the inaugural workshop took place in the framework of the collaboration between the UNESCO Chair of the Ionian University with the Institute of Studies on the Mediterranean Rim of China's Zhejiang University of International Studies.
UNESCO celebrates the 30th anniversary of the UNITWIN / UNESCO Chairs Programme
Posted: 28-07-2022 23:30 | Views: 2769
Start: 28-07-2022 |End: 04-11-2022
UNESCO is convening a 30th anniversary celebration of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme at its headquarters in Paris from 3-4 November 2022.
17th International Conference EUTIC: Hybrid, in Corfu and Online - October 13-14-15, 2022.
Posted: 06-04-2022 13:43 | Updated: 24-06-2022 17:56 | Views: 10014
Start: 13-10-2022 |End: 15-10-2022
Corfu 2022 Hybrid Conference - Venue: Ionian Academy in Corfu, Greece - Online: Teleconference and live streaming - Ionian University, October 13-14-15, 2022.
Call for abstracts - 5th Changing Cities international conference
Posted: 14-06-2022 13:10 | Updated: 20-06-2022 13:41 | Views: 7588
In the hope that COVID ’19 pandemic will be overcome by spring 2022, the 5th Changing Cities international conference will take place in Corfu Island, 20-25 June 2022. The conference is organized by the University of Thessaly, Lab of urban Morphology and Design, Department of Planning & Regional Development, Volos, Greece, in co-organisation with Ionian University, Department of History, Corfu Island, Greece.
The UNESCO Chair of the Ionian University was represented at the UNESCO/EU Conference "Strengthening the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property"
Posted: 11-06-2022 01:22 | Views: 2981
This EU-UNESCO Conference organized on June 9, 2022 at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris Dr. Christos Tsirogiannis head of the WG Illicit Antiquities' Trafficking of the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage -related Activities at the Ionian University, was a invited speaker at the panel.
Conference of European university museums in Corfu: An initiative of the Ionian University Museum.
Posted: 10-06-2022 09:21 | Views: 2252
The International Conference of European University Museums, entitled "Postmodern University Museums and the Digital Era", held online and organized by the Museum of the Ionian University, was successfully concluded on Thursday evening, June 2, 2022. The conference was welcomed by the Rector of the Ionian University, Prof. Andreas Floros, the President of the Committee for (...)
Jazz Trombonist Karin Hammar and the Fab 4 in Corfu
Posted: 26-05-2022 11:39 | Views: 2991
Monday May 30th, Studio of the Municipal Theatre Corfu, 9.30pm
Ionian University Music Department in collaboration with the Swedish Institute Athens presents Jazz Trombonist Karin Hammar and the Fab 4 at the Studio if the Municipal Theatre in Corfu
The group has issued 3 CDs to international acclaim. Their music combines bossa nova the blues and lyrical and melodic (...)