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ICONA FESTIVAL 2024 Awards and Christmas Screenings [VoD 17-31/12/2024]
Posted: 18-12-2024 15:38 | Views: 1024
For those who didn't catch the movie screenings of the ICONA FESTIVAL 2024 or for those who would like to see the movies again, you are able to watch them on demand, available from December 17th until December 31st 2024:
3rd Project Meeting and 2nd Hybrid Multiplier Event within the framework of the SusTour project
Posted: 10-04-2024 12:53 | Views: 3400
On Thursday 4 and Friday 5 April 2024, the Third Project Meeting of the partners of the SusTour project - "Joint e-course on sustainable management of tourism destinations" financed by Erasmus+ in the axis KA220-HED was successfully held in Corfu. The two-day events were organized by the Ionian University and took place in the Senate Hall at the Ionian Academy (Rectorate of the Ionian University) and the Meeting Room of the Building of the Department of History and the Department of Archival, Librarianship and Museology of the Ionian University (72 Ioanni Theotokis Street) respectively.
3rd Project Meeting of the DIN-ECO research project in Nis, Serbia, on 8 June 2023
Posted: 07-07-2023 19:36 | Views: 2484
Τhe research project DIN-ECO (Boosting Digital Innovation & Transformation Capacity of HEIs in an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem), with Scientific Coordinator Prof. Adamantia Pateli from the Ionian University had its 3rd Project Meeting on Thursday, June 8 2023 -the 1st meeting for DIN-ECO phase 2- at the Campus of the University of Nis, Serbia.
Research & Innovation in tourism: meeting of tourism stakeholders in the Department of Tourism
Posted: 30-03-2023 12:02 | Views: 3503
The Department of Tourism of the Ionian University organized on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, a meeting inviting all tourism stakeholders, in order to discuss issues related to tourism in Corfu and the region of Ionian Islands and specifically research and innovation in tourism with the aim of activating the new "Regional Smart Specialization Strategy".
Department of Tourism in Expo Corfu 2022
Posted: 23-03-2022 09:41 | Views: 3477
The Department of Tourism was represented by Konstantinos Voglis, Assistant Professor, George Kontogeorgis, Adjunct Lecturer, Athanasios Spingos, Academic Fellow.
Study in Greece Virtual Fair: Expanding Bridges between Greek and US universities
Posted: 24-01-2022 12:54 | Views: 2113
On January 24, 2022, Study in Greece, the official body of internationalization and extroversion of Greek higher education, held the virtual exhibition "Study in Greece Virtual Fair: Expanding Bridges between Greek and US universities". The Ionian University participated with a virtual kiosk in this online exhibition, since the institution intends to design, organize, and operate foreign language curricula for international students in the near future.
The Animation Festival ICONA 2021 was successfully completed
Posted: 10-12-2021 09:46 | Views: 6776
The Animation Festival ICONA 2021, which took place from the 2nd to the 5th of December 2021, exclusively online, by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University, was successfully completed.
Closure of the 4th International Conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science"
Posted: 14-12-2020 22:17 | Views: 5445
Τhe fourth international conference "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science" took place November 26–28, 2020, exclusively online as TTT2020 Vienna/Online, an umbilical cord between what would be and what it is. The event was an overall reconstruction of its original organization as a face to face experience at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria.
From the presentation of Kostas Soueref’s edited volume, Museum spaces in the 21st century: interaction practices
Posted: 19-01-2020 18:55 | Views: 3789
Images taken from the event, packed with faculty members and students, as well as many Corfiots that was held in collaboration with the University Museum of the Ionian University in the Reading room of the Central Library of the Ionian University.
ICONA 2019 successfully completed and announcement of awards
Posted: 02-12-2019 15:05 | Views: 5864
The first Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019, organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University (within the framework of the CIAK Intereg program) took place in Corfu from the 29th of November until the 1st of December 2019.
Experimental laboratories of ethnoarchaeology
Posted: 07-10-2019 11:12 | Views: 6434
Organized by the Dept. of History of the Ionian University, in the framework of the Interreg Program FISH&CHIPS
CIAK: Info Day - Press Release and Images
Posted: 14-02-2019 10:51 | Updated: 21-02-2019 20:07 | Views: 9562
Attached files
    Press Release
Size: 327.21 KB :: Type: PDF document
The Info Day in the framework of the CIAK ("Common Initiatives to AcKnowledge and Valorize the Tourism Potential of the Program Area through Cinema") project was held with great success on Wednesday, February 13, 2019. In the context of the event, the project actions that are being implemented were presented in detail, with emphasis on the Memory Greece – Italy Call, which aims to finance 10 short film productions, the script-writing seminar, scheduled for three weeks in Corfu, Ioannina and Bari, and the forthcoming animation festival to be held in the city of Corfu.
Eija-Liisa Ahtila was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts
Posted: 08-06-2018 10:50 | Views: 8009
Accomplished visual artist and filmmaker of Eija-Liisa Ahtila was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, in a ceremony that took place in the Ionian Academy on Tuesday, June 5th, 2018.
Honorary Doctorate award to Professor Katherine E. Fleming
Posted: 25-05-2018 12:50 | Views: 12023
The Department of History of the Ionian University awarded Professor Katherine E. Fleming an Honorary Doctorate, in a ceremony held at the Ionian Academy.
"Storytelling for Influence" and "Developing and Evaluating Business Models" workshops
Posted: 11-12-2017 11:36 | Views: 3759
Within the framework of the Innovation Design Thinking Educational Program, funded by the US Embassy in Greece, and organised by Assoc. Prof. Adamantia Patelis at the American Corner of the Public Central Library of Corfu.
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