All News
ICONA FESTIVAL 2023 Awards and Christmas Screenings [VoD until 31/12/2023]
Posted: 15-12-2023 16:49 | Views: 8270
Start: 18-12-2023 |End: 31-12-2023
For those who didn't catch the movie screenings of the ICONA FESTIVAL 2023 or for those who would like to see the movies again, you will be able to watch them on demand, available until December 31st 2023:
Visit of a delegation of Shandong University of Technology (SDUT), China, to the Ionian University, the Laboratory for Geo-cultural Analyses (GEOLAB) and the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage
Posted: 13-12-2023 01:18 | Views: 3199
As a follow-up to the collaboration with the UNESCO Chair’s steering committee member Prof. Elena Avramidou, a delegation of Shandong University of Technology (SDUT), China, visited the Ionian University, the Laboratory for Geo-cultural Analyses (GEOLAB) and the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage on 11-12th December 2023. The discussions between the UNESCO Chair director Professor (...)
Christmas wishes from Ionian University’s Rectorates’ Council
Posted: 11-12-2023 11:13 | Views: 2499
Ionian University’s Rectorate Council wishes to all Academic Community and friends of the University
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Intangible Cultural Heritage throwback: a publication of the first graduation day at the Ionian University (DFLTI) 1989
Posted: 08-12-2023 00:37 | Views: 3373
The graduation days at the Ionian University's Departments on 7th-8th December 2023 offer the opportunity to share a small but important part of our university's and island's intangible heritage: a publication on the first graduation ceremony of the Ionian University in April 1989; the first graduates were students of the Department of Foreign Languages and Interpreting.
Agreement for the provision of Chinese language teachers between the Ionian University and the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) of the Ministry of Education of China.
Posted: 01-12-2023 00:26 | Views: 3336
On the initiative of the UNESCO Chair for Threats to Cultural Heritage and coordinated by Associate Professor Eleni Avramidou of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) in China and member of the chair's governing committee, the Ionian University, in the context of the expansion of international academic collaborations, systematically pursued the introduction of Chinese studies by (...)
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2023 - Official Selection and Free Registration for Screenings
Posted: 30-10-2023 15:00 | Updated: 29-11-2023 20:56 | Views: 12175
Start: 30-11-2023 |End: 03-12-2023
The fifth Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2023, organized and promoted by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University had exceeded our expectations with more than 1.440 submissions.
The Ionian University UNESCO Chair at the 42nd UNESCO General Conference - An Account
Posted: 25-11-2023 17:35 | Views: 3999
The 42nd session of UNESCO General Conference represented a showcase to the world of what multilateralism in action means.
Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General
Ionian University’s International Mobility in Erasmus+
Posted: 21-11-2023 12:32 | Views: 29315
Ionian University’s proposal was evaluated from the State Scholarship Foundation Erasmus+ and got approval of Funding (Grand Award Decision) in accordance with the results of the qualitative assessment for the whole part of the action ICM KA171/2023.
Participation of I.U research team in the Workshop entitled "2023 Sensemaking with Projects Workshop" within the framework of the EIT-HEI Initiative
Posted: 10-11-2023 10:21 | Views: 4182
The two-day Workshop - Working Meeting entitled "2023 Sensemaking with Projects Workshop” was held on 25th and 26th October 2023, by the HEI Initiative of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT). The action took place in Bologna, Italy at the National Research Center Building.
The UNESCO Chair of the Ionian University is included in the Greek National Delegation for the 42nd UNESCO General Conference
Posted: 09-11-2023 00:30 | Views: 2802
Start: 09-11-2023 |End: 20-11-2023
The UNESCO Chair for Threats to the Cultural Heritage of the Ionian University was included following a proposal by the Greek National Commission for UNESCO in the Greek National Delegation for the 42nd General Conference of UNESCO that will take place from November 7 to 22, 2023, at the Organization's Headquarters in Paris. The Greek National Delegation is headed by the Minister of (...)
HAL: Mystery 91_Magnetic Dance: A Digital Performance at the X-bowling Center in Eleusis, in the framework of the Eleusis23 Cultural Capital of Europe Festival
Posted: 13-10-2023 14:22 | Updated: 26-10-2023 12:21 | Views: 6337
Start: 21-10-2023 |End: 22-10-2023
Project Mystery 91_Magnetic Dance, explores the relationship between technology and culture through a series of performances in collaboration with artists from Greece, Japan, and France. The technology for the project was developed within the framework of the HAL research project of the Department of audiovisual Arts at the Ionian University and is presented here for the first time in autonomous, large-scale works.
See the IU brochure
Posted: 24-10-2023 16:13 | Updated: 25-10-2023 13:54 | Views: 4630
The IU brochure containing the essential information about the character, the courses and the infrastructure of each of the twelve university departments and their programmes.
Online meeting between KEDIVIM and the Alumni Association of the Ionian University
Posted: 23-10-2023 13:47 | Views: 2374
An online meeting via Zoom between Professor Ilias Yarenis, Vice Rector and President of the KEDIVIM of the Ionian University, and Mr Angelos Kostaras, President of the Alumni Association of the Ionian University, took place.
UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage at the Corfu Literary Festival 2023
Posted: 21-10-2023 23:33 | Views: 2029
Debating on Antiquities and on a forward looking approach of the Humanity's relationship to the World
The Ionian University Volunteer Blood Donor Society is established
Posted: 13-10-2023 17:51 | Views: 8436
We are excited to introduce the newly established Ionian University Volunteer Blood Donor Society and invite you to become a part of our mission to support blood donation and save lives.
Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day
Posted: 13-10-2023 09:22 | Views: 8667
On Tuesday, 10th October 2023, the Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day 2023-2024 was successfully held on the premises of the Ionian University Library.
Exhibition in honor of Renato Mordo, co-founder of the Greek National Opera - Exhibition Opening 11/10/2023
Posted: 06-10-2023 15:37 | Updated: 11-10-2023 14:27 | Views: 3791
Start: 12-10-2023 |End: 09-12-2023
The State Agency for Civic Education of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Association Albert Cohen Corfu, the Cultural Triangle of Prespa, the Banknote Museum of the Ionian Bank – ALPHA BANK and the Ionian University organise the exhibition «Renato Mordo – Jewish, Greek, German, all at once. An artist’s life in the age of extremes» from October 11th until December 9th, 2023 at the Banknote Museum of the Ionian Bank – ALPHA BANK and the Ionian Academy.
Welcome Day for incoming Erasmus students: 10 October 2023
Posted: 19-09-2023 17:53 | Updated: 06-10-2023 12:25 | Views: 3489
Important Date: 10-10-2023
Ionian University welcomes incoming Erasmus students for the 2023-2024 academic year on the 10th October 2023 at Ionian University Library (I.Theotoki 72) at 11:00. Event is organized by Ionian University and I.U. International and Public Relations Office.
Accreditation Decision of the Undergraduate Study Programme of Audio and Visual Arts
Posted: 05-10-2023 12:28 | Views: 4877
The Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE) Evaluation and Accreditation Council has accredited the Undergraduate Study Programme of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University as fully compliant to the Standards for Quality Accreditation of Undergraduate Programmes of the HAHE and to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) for study (...)