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TTTlabs: BioFeral.BeachCamp (BFBC) II - Crete, Spring 2024 - call for applications open!
Posted: 18-12-2023 13:57 | Views: 5870
Start: 01-02-2024 |End: 15-02-2024
Applications are now open for TTTlabs: BioFeral.BeachCamp (BFBC) II - Spring 2014, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and the Ionian University within the Feral Labs Network. Dedicated to issues related to new reproductive technologies, TTTlabs: BioFeral.BeachCamp (BFBC) II under the theme New Repro-Zombie Studies (NR-ZS) - Undead Bioart / Bodyart on the Beach is taking place on 5-14 April 2024 (on-place) on the island of Crete. 
Visit of a delegation of Shandong University of Technology (SDUT), China, to the Ionian University, the Laboratory for Geo-cultural Analyses (GEOLAB) and the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage
Posted: 13-12-2023 01:18 | Views: 3120
As a follow-up to the collaboration with the UNESCO Chair’s steering committee member Prof. Elena Avramidou, a delegation of Shandong University of Technology (SDUT), China, visited the Ionian University, the Laboratory for Geo-cultural Analyses (GEOLAB) and the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage on 11-12th December 2023. The discussions between the UNESCO Chair director Professor (...)
Agreement for the provision of Chinese language teachers between the Ionian University and the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) of the Ministry of Education of China.
Posted: 01-12-2023 00:26 | Views: 3282
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gr  pdf.png  PRESS RELEASE
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On the initiative of the UNESCO Chair for Threats to Cultural Heritage and coordinated by Associate Professor Eleni Avramidou of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) in China and member of the chair's governing committee, the Ionian University, in the context of the expansion of international academic collaborations, systematically pursued the introduction of Chinese studies by (...)
The Ionian University UNESCO Chair at the 42nd UNESCO General Conference - An Account
Posted: 25-11-2023 17:35 | Views: 3907
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en  pdf.png  UNESCO General Conference FAQ
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en  pdf.png  MONDIACULT Declaration - Mexico City 2023
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The 42nd session of UNESCO General Conference represented a showcase to the world of what multilateralism in action means. Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General
The UNESCO Chair of the Ionian University is included in the Greek National Delegation for the 42nd UNESCO General Conference
Posted: 09-11-2023 00:30 | Views: 2740
Start: 09-11-2023 |End: 20-11-2023
The UNESCO Chair for Threats to the Cultural Heritage of the Ionian University was included following a proposal by the Greek National Commission for UNESCO in the Greek National Delegation for the 42nd General Conference of UNESCO that will take place from November 7 to 22, 2023, at the Organization's Headquarters in Paris. The Greek National Delegation is headed by the Minister of (...)
UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage at the Corfu Literary Festival 2023
Posted: 21-10-2023 23:33 | Views: 1984
Debating on Antiquities and on a forward looking approach of the Humanity's relationship to the World
Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day
Posted: 13-10-2023 09:22 | Views: 8563
On Tuesday, 10th October 2023, the Erasmus Incoming Students Welcome Day 2023-2024 was successfully held on the premises of the Ionian University Library.
Exhibition in honor of Renato Mordo, co-founder of the Greek National Opera - Exhibition Opening 11/10/2023
Posted: 06-10-2023 15:37 | Updated: 11-10-2023 14:27 | Views: 3754
Start: 12-10-2023 |End: 09-12-2023
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en  pdf.png  Invitation - Exhibition Opening
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The State Agency for Civic Education of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Association Albert Cohen Corfu, the Cultural Triangle of Prespa, the Banknote Museum of the Ionian Bank – ALPHA BANK and the Ionian University organise the exhibition «Renato Mordo – Jewish, Greek, German, all at once. An artist’s life in the age of extremes» from October 11th until December 9th, 2023 at the Banknote Museum of the Ionian Bank – ALPHA BANK and the Ionian Academy.
5th International Conference Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science-TTT 2023 Malta [26-29/09/2023]
Posted: 25-09-2023 15:47 | Views: 4616
Start: 26-09-2023 |End: 29-09-2023
The fifth international conference Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science will take place September 27–29, 2023 in Valletta, Malta. Approximately 170 speakers from more than 30 countries focused (a) on questions about the nature of the forbidden and about the aesthetics of liminality, and (b) on the opening of spaces for creative transformation in the merging of science and art.
HAL@TTT: Hub of Art Laboratories is showcased at TTT 2023 [Malta, 26-29/09/2023]
Posted: 22-09-2023 13:41 | Views: 6808
Start: 26-09-2023 |End: 29-09-2023
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en  pdf.png  HAL@TTT Poster
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en  pdf.png  HAL@TTT Program
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Hub of Art Laboratories (otherwise known as HAL), one of the most ambitious and innovative research programmes ever carried out by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University, will receive its first major showcase at the upcoming Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science Interdisciplinary Conference, held in Valletta, Malta, between 26 and 29 September 2023.
International CIOFF® Festival of Mediterranean Cultures [Corfu, 6-10 September 2023]
Posted: 22-08-2023 15:38 | Updated: 06-09-2023 10:26 | Views: 13814
Start: 06-09-2023 |End: 10-09-2023
The National Section of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF®, official partner of UNESCO, the IONIAN UNIVERSITY and the Educational & Cultural Association of Sinies – Corfu,  organize the International CIOFF® Festival of Mediterranean Cultures, in Corfu, 6-10 September 2023.
Visit of the President of the Global Sinology Center, invited by the UNESCO Chair, to the Ionian University
Posted: 01-09-2023 22:59 | Updated: 06-09-2023 10:09 | Views: 2432
At the invitation of the UNESCO Chair-holder, Professor Stavros Katsios, the President of the World Sinology Center, Professor Xu Baofeng, headed a twelve-member delegation of professors and researchers from Chinese universities and research institutions, visited the Ionian University. Beyond etiquette, it was a working visit given the pre-work of the group set up at the UNESCO Headquarters, (...)
Asc. Professor Elena Avramidou at The first World Conference on Sinology
Posted: 31-07-2023 01:21 | Views: 3226
Associate Professor Elena Avramidou, World Art History Institute, Shanghai International Studies University in China, Member of the Steering Committee of the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage - TCHER at the Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο - Ionian University, participated in the "Third Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning Among Civilizations" and the "First World Conference of (...)
3rd Project Meeting of the DIN-ECO research project in Nis, Serbia, on 8 June 2023
Posted: 07-07-2023 19:36 | Views: 2369
Τhe research project DIN-ECO (Boosting Digital Innovation & Transformation Capacity of HEIs in an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem), with Scientific Coordinator Prof. Adamantia Pateli from the Ionian University had its 3rd Project Meeting on Thursday, June 8 2023 -the 1st meeting for DIN-ECO phase 2- at the Campus of the University of Nis, Serbia.
Invitation: "From words to action: Implementing Academic Freedom under UN Human Rights Standards," a hybrid panel discussion (11/7/2023)
Posted: 07-07-2023 18:44 | Views: 2192
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en  pdf.png  From words to action
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Scholars at Risk Greece Section is pleased to invite you to attend "From words to action: Implementing Academic Freedom under UN Human Rights Standards," a hybrid panel discussion on Tuesday, July 11th, at 11:00 am (Athens).  To attend virtually via Webex, click here. For more information about the event, click here.  
2nd Project Meeting and 1st Hybrid Open Action within the framework of the SusTour project
Posted: 03-07-2023 15:07 | Views: 2831
On June 29 and 30, 2023, the Second Project Meeting of the partners of the SusTour project – “Joint e-course on sustainable management of tourism destinations” funded by Erasmus+ in the axis KA220-HED was successfully held in Granada. The two-day actions were organized by the University of Granada and took place in the Teleconference Room of the Faculty of Education of the University of Granada and in the Board Meeting Room of the Alhambra and Generalife, Palace of Carlos V.
Finance and Business Analytics Conference 2023 - Lefkada 7-9 June 2023
Posted: 01-06-2023 12:34 | Views: 2829
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en  pdf.png  Conference Programme
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en  pdf.png  Caonference Call
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Join us in Greece on 7th–9th June 2023 for the Finance and Business Analytics Conference and experience three days of learning and networking. Adam Smith Business School of the University of Glasgow and Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) of City, University of London will be hosting their first joint conference in Finance and Business Analytics in the island of Lefkada, Greece, in cooperation (...)
Winners of Nikolaos Bourbakis Award for 2022
Posted: 26-05-2023 14:31 | Views: 2964
The PhD Candidate of the Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory, Georgios Drakopoulos, won the Nikolaos Bourbakis Award for 2022 in the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, for the article "Higher Order Trust Ranking of LinkedIn Accounts with Iterative Matrix Methods".
Workshops and seminars cycle AV-School 2023: May 14-16th in Corfu
Posted: 24-04-2023 11:34 | Updated: 12-05-2023 18:19 | Views: 18440
Start: 14-05-2023 |End: 16-05-2023
AV-school hosts educational activities that take place in the framework of the Audiovisual Arts Festival. AV-School 2023 takes place May 14-16th in the premises of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts and its activities are open to all members of the academic community and general public.
International Conference “Digital Technologies, Common European Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development”
Posted: 10-05-2023 13:16 | Views: 1808
Important Date: 31-03-2023
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en  pdf.png  Press Release
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The International Conference “Digital Technologies, Common European Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development” was organized by the Ionian University in the context of the Irschen Program (KA2 Action Erasmus+). It took place on March 21, 2023, in the Eva Laskari Hall at the Historical Public Library of Corfu in the Old Fortress of Corfu, Greece. The Conference aimed to stress the necessity of digital tools in highlighting Europe's Cultural Heritage, in strengthening our common European identity, and thus in promoting Sustainable Development.
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