
[New dates to register] Summer School 2023: "Seafarers in Ancient Greece: Pirates, Sailors, Colonizers"

Δημοσίευση: 01-03-2023 13:21 | Ενημέρωση: 01-06-2023 10:59 | Προβολές: 9973
Έναρξη: 10-07-2023 |Λήξη: 22-07-2023
en  pdf.png  Οδηγός σπουδών θερινού σχολείου Seafarers 2023
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gr  pdf.png  Φυλλάδιο θερινού σχολείου Seafarers 2023
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en  pdf.png  Οδηγός σπουδών θερινού σχολείου Seafarers 2023
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en  pdf.png  Φυλλάδιο θερινού σχολείου Seafarers 2023
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Επιστημονικός υπεύθυνος: Καθ. Αθανάσιος Ευσταθίου (aefstath@ionio.gr)
Ακαδημαϊκοί υπεύθυνοι: Δρ. Πολυξένη Στρόλογγα (strolong@gmail.com) και Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Στέφου (kostasstefou@yahoo.gr

Επίσημος ιστοχώρος:


This exciting summer school focuses on various types of seafarers in ancient Greece, from pirates to sailors and colonizers. It explores their roles in mythical journeys, the colonization process, and naval battles from the Archaic to the Hellenistic age. Emphasis will be given to maritime religion, economy, and landscape. The program will also take advantage of the location of Corfu incorporating trips to islands and locations of sea-battles and inquiring about the role of ancient Corcyra in seafaring. Through a combination of in-class lectures and on-site teaching the students will be able to gain a deep understanding of the history of seafaring and to explore various aspects of the life of islanders in the ancient world. The students will also establish a good foundation in ancient Greek History, Art, and Religion. The program will consist of everyday lectures by invited scholars, experts in the field, and of visits to sites, which will give the opportunity to the participants to experience the remains of seafaring activities on the island. The program is open to undergraduates in any field of the humanities, but MA students are also welcome to apply. In the latter case the requirements of the course will be adjusted accordingly.
The participants will have full access to the library resources and facilities at the Ionian University. The program will offer 3 ECTS= 1,5 US Credits. The cost of the program varies depending on the package you choose.
 One all-day guided excursion to the city of Ioannina (castle, museums, etc.),
and the archaeological site of Dodona.
 Visits and tours with a professional tour guide in the old town of Corfu
(designated UNESCO World Heritage Site)
 Visits to the Archaeological Museum of Corfu and the Old Fortress
 Day cruise to Paxi and Antipaxi (optional)
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the program the students will be able to understand the significance of
seafaring and to trace its development in various time periods and through different
contacts. They will also be emerged into the history of Corfu, which will serve as a
case study for all types of seafaring. By studying a variety of sources the participants
will cover important historical periods and they will investigate aspects of Greek life
that relate to seafaring from maritime religion to commerce. Such multifaceted
knowledge will be implemented in other courses in Classical Civilization which the
students may take at their home institution.
Assessment (for students who take this course for credit)
Seafarers in Ancient Greece
 Participation: During class and visits (10%)
 Quizzes: There will be seven quizzes. The five highest scores will count. The
quizzes will be on each day’s readings and they will include identifications
and short- answer questions (20%)
 Tests: Two tests, each of which will be given at the end of every week and it
will cover the material of all lectures. It will include essay questions. (40%)
 Paper: A five-six page long research paper on a topic chosen with the aid of
the instructor (30%)
Note: All students will have to give one oral presentation on a scholarly article
or on a site in Corfu.
How to Apply
1. Contact the coordinators at classics@ionio.gr
2. fill out and submit the registration form that you will receive
3. provide an academic recommendation letter within two weeks after the
submission of your application. The letter should be sent to
4. upon notification of acceptance in the program make an advance payment
(50% of the total amount) to the Summer School’s bank account, which will
be provided by email. If you do not make the deposit, your spot is not

Important Dates:
• Registration and payment deposit: 15η  June 2023
• Total amount due:  26η June 2023


Cost of the Summer School
Option A: EUR 750. This amount includes:
 Tuition fees
 Teaching material
 One all-day guided excursion to the city of Ioannina (castle, museums, etc.),
and the archaeological site of Dodona.
 Guided tours carried out during the program, including tickets to museums
and sites.
Option B: EUR 900. This amount includes:
 Tuition fees
 Teaching material
 One all-day guided excursion to Ioannina (castle, museums, etc.), and the
archaeological site of Dodona.
 Guided tours carried out during the program, including tickets to museums
and sites
 Accommodation at the University’s hall of residence. Please note that the
rooms at the University’s Hall of Residence are not air-conditioned.
 The students who choose Option A should know that in Corfu there are many
tourist accommodation establishments. However, due to the high tourist
season throughout the duration of the Summer School, it is highly advised to
book your accommodation as soon as possible.
 Students who choose Option B should know that rooms in the Hall of
Residence of the University are double or triple (same-sex).
 Lower prices have been procured for the students of the Summer School for
their meals at specific restaurants.
 Lower prices have been procured for those interested to get around the
island by the city and/or green bus.
 The Ionian University does not provide travel and health insurance, which
students MUST obtain from their place of origin.

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