Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου σας προσκαλεί στη διάλεξη του κ. Matti Karjalainen ,
Professor in Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing at the Helsinki
University of Technology, Department of Electrical and Communications
Engineering, που θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 31 Μαΐου 2007 και ώρα 20:00 –
22:00 στην αίθουσα 3, του κτιρίου «Αρεταίος», με θέμα:
«Augmented Reality for Audio Applications »
Augmented reality audio (ARA) means mixing of the real acoustic environment
of a listener with sound scenes from another place or time and, most
interestingly, of artificial sound scenes. Development of mobile and
wearable devices is continuously changing the ways we communicate and
entertain ourselves using sound and voice. This leads to a variety of mobile
augmented reality audio (MARA) applications, although similar techniques can
also be used in static installations. The only thing users need is wireless
headsets with binaural microphones, communicating via a wearable terminal
device to anywhere, anytime, hands and eyes free. Application areas made
possible by MARA techniques include binaural telephony, man-machine
communication by sound and voice, position-aware services such as a virtual
tourist guide or shopping guide, a virtual networked band playing virtual
instruments, etc. This presentation will give an overview of the basic
technologies needed and examples of applications experimented so far or
possible in the future.
Matti Karjalainen was born in Hankasalmi, Finland, in 1946. He received
M.Sc. and Dr.Sc. (Tech.) degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Tampere
University of Technology, in 1970 and 1978, respectively. From 1980 he is
Professor in Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing at the Helsinki
University of Technology, Department of Electrical and Communications
Engineering. His main interest is in audio signal processing, such as DSP
for sound reproduction and auralization, music DSP and sound synthesis, as
well as perceptually based signal processing. He has written 350 scientific
and engineering papers and contributed to organizing several conferences and
workshops. Prof. Karjalainen is an AES fellow and Silver Medalist as well as
member of several scientific and engineering societies.