
ΤΜΣ: Συναυλίες και Σεμινάρια με τους A. Ragno, M. Giuseppe, G. Bassi [18-22/05/15]

Δημοσίευση: 14-05-2015 12:12 | Προβολές: 3398
Έναρξη: 18-05-2015 |Λήξη: 22-05-2015
    Πλήρες κείμενο ανακοίνωσης
Mέγεθος: 382.7 KB :: Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF

Το Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών, στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Erasmus L.L..L.P., θα πραγματοποιήσει συναυλίες και σεμινάρια με τους επισκέπτες καθηγητές του Conservatorio Nino Rota Monopoli, Angelo Ragno, Marcello De Giuseppe και Gabriella Bassi από τις 18 έως τις 22 Μαΐου 2015.

Δευτέρα, 18 Μαΐου 2015, ώρα 20.00  Ιόνιος Ακαδημία

Συναυλία για φλάουτο, φαγκότο και πιάνο με έργα Donizetti, Bellini, Pilati, Beethoven

Tρίτη, 19 Μαΐου – Παρασκευή 22 Μαΐου 2015:

Masterclass Φλάουτου και Σεμινάρια Μουσικής Δωματίου στο Τ.Μ.Σ. (οι ακριβείς ώρες θα ανακοινωθούν από το Τ.Μ.Σ.)

Παρασκευή 22 Μαΐου 2015, ώρα 20.00, Ιόνιος Ακαδημία

Συναυλία με έργα μουσικής δωματίου για φλάουτο με τη συμμετοχή φοιτητ(ρι)ών του Τ.Μ.Σ. και των επισκεπτών καθηγητών Ragno, De Giuseppe, Bassiμε έργα Haydn, Fauré, Boehm, Schubert, Taffanel


At a very young age Angelo Ragno graduated from the “N. Piccinni” Conservatory in Bari.  Later on he studied with Peter Lukas Graf and has specialized with Aurel Nicolet and J. Galway. He has performed in duos with P. L. Graf and with Michael Debost. A winner in national competitions ( Mondovì, 1st flute in Revenue Guard Corps Band), since 1985 he has been the 1st flute in the Petruzzelli Theatre Orchestra with which he went on tours (former USSR, Brazil, Egypt, France, Spain, Australia), has made recordings (Fonit Cetra, Sony Classical) and live radio/video recordings for RAI (Italian Broadcasting Corporation). Since 1983 he has been full time Prof. of flute at “Nino Rota” Conservatoire  in Monopoli (Bari).  In 1991 he founded and presided over the Artistic Cultural Association “ Orchestra Filarmonica Teatro Petruzzelli” (Petruzzelli Theatre Philarmonic Orchestra) until 1997. From October 25th to October 28th2001, he took part in the 6° Festival Italiano del Flauto (VI Italian Flute Festival) organized by the Accademia Italiana del Flauto (Italian Flute Academy).  In 2004, he founded the “Società dei Concerti di Bari” (Bari Concert  Company) Musical Association of which he is President, and with Orchestra of which he went on tours in Japan, China, Russia, Turkey, France and Spain.  He published for Edizioni Musicali "Pizzicato" some flautistic pieces revision of a composer Franco Margola and records CD for Rainbow Classic and Stradivarius. He is engaged in intense concert activities in Italy and abroad, both as a soloist and as a member of several chamber orchestras, that he and fellow musicians have founded. Taching activity is intense through Master abroad in inmportant Music Universities: Akdeniz Universitesi Devlet Konservatuvari in  Antalya – Turkey, Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium in Feldkirch –ria, Superior Music  Conservatory in  Málaga  – Spain and in  Royal Conservatory  in  Bruxelles – Belgium.

Maria Gabriella Bassi is a pianist and Professor in the Monopoli Conservatoire in Italy .She has shown her love for music since she was very young. After winning many national and international piano competitions, she starts her career as a pianist. She still believes that technique and virtuosity aren’t but a mean to touch the deep sense of music. That’s why her work as a piano teacher is based on a constant sensibility besides of technical precision. In this parallelism classical music still find the key to communicate with people: that’s the peculiarity people appreciate in MGB’s performance. A passionate performer of Liszt, she prefers to interpret rarely performed works, and to bring the listener close to a precious and modern beauty. Since she was awarded at the Parisian International Piano Competition “Jean Françaix” in 2001, she is in very friendly relationship with the Françaix family. Her recent Cd – “Eloge de la Danse” by DAD Records-is completely dedicated to Jean Françaix’s piano work: it contains solo works interpreted by MGB (and two of them are recorded for the first time since their composition) and also two-piano works played by MGb with Claude Françaix, the composer’s daughter. Maria Gabriella Bassi started playing the piano at the age of four. She graduated with top grades and honors in 1991 under the guidance of Marta Grilletti. She then went on to study at the “Russian” school of Konstantin Bogino. Her career as a concert pianist began with a series of first prizes won in Italian piano competitions. But the two-time victory, in 1987 and then in 1991, of first prize at the prestigious International Piano Competition at the Liszt Centre of Lucca led her to more decisive concert work. An enthusiast of the Liszt repertory, Bassi continued her concert activity, distinguishing herself for her intense musicality, rich in refined nuances. She has held concerts, both as a soloist and with an orchestra, in Italy, France, Germany and Mexico. She has played as a soloist in prestigious halls such as the Teatro del Giglio in Lucca, the Naucalpan Forum in Mexico City, the ”Felipe Villanueva” Auditorium of Toluca, the Teatro Puccini of Merano, the Musikschule Auditorium of Mannheim, “Palazzo della Rovere” in Roma, the Throne Room of Villa d’Este in Tivoli, Teatro Giordano in Foggia, the historic Caffè Florian in Piazza San Marco in Venice, the “Palazzo Ducale” in Genoa, the Salle L’Escale in Paris, La Sorbonne in Paris and many more. She has been asked to interpret rare compositions by Liszt (Improptu Brillante Variazioni by Rossini and Spontini, 7 Variazioni Brillanti by Rossini) in a premiere presentation on the occasion of the First National Franz Liszt Conference, presided over by Gottfried Wagner and recorded for the “RAI – Radiotelevisione Italiana” works by Franz Liszt. After graduating with a university degree in Law, in 1996 she won a post as a teacher of piano and since 1998 she has had tenure as a professor of piano at the “Nino Rota” Music Conservatory in Monopoli.  After winning the Jean Françaix International Piano Competition in Paris, in 2001, she developed a passion for the work of the French composer and performed the Italian premiere of the Concert for Piano and Orchestra with the Bari Symphonic Orchestra. She formed a duet with the artist’s daughter, Claude Françaix, with whom she also presented the Italian premiere of the Concert for Two Pianos and Orchestra.The Ricordi – Bmg Publications publishing house of Milan entrusted her with the critical-didactic revision of an anthology dedicated to the piano music of Nino Rota, published with catalogue number BMG139194.In her career as a pianist and professor, her choice of repertory has aimed at the interpretation of rarely performed works so as to expose the listener to an invaluable and modern beauty.

Already before his graduation in 1988, Marcello De Giuseppe began his professional career as a bassoonist in Lecce Symphony Orchestra in 1985 and in the same year in the Petruzzelli Theater Orchestra. He studied chamber music with: Bourgue, Mariozzi, Shellenberger, Garbarino. He has also studied with some of the most reknown bassoonists as: S. Azzolini, F. Bossone, D. Damiano , Thunemann and Turkovich. He has been principal  bassoon in Bari Symphony Orchestra and with Accademia di Santa Cecilia Orchestra,  in Padua Chamber orchestra and his wind chamber octet in Rome. He has also played with some other important orchestras as: Bellini Theather Orchestra, International Orchestra of Italy. Very intense is his activity as a soloist and chamber musician with Holst and Piccinni wind quintet and the Ensemble Méditerranée with whom he has premiered many works. He also plays baroque music on original instruments with  ensembles as “la Confraternita de Musici”. He currently teaches in “Nino Rota” Conservatoire of Music in Monopoli.

Το συνημμένο αρχείο περιλαμβάνει το πλήρες κείμενο της ανακοίνωσης.

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Συναυλίες Ιερής Μουσικής - Δύση & Ανατολή
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