
PETRA 2009
You are cordially invited to join the PETRA 2009 Conference, the 2nd ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, June 10-12, 2009, in Corfu, Greece.
Conference Theme
The PETRA Conference brings together different types of technology to address an important social and healthcare issue: as the world's population ages, there is growing interest in solutions for the in-home care of the elderly as well as for the care of people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other disabilities or traumas. PETRA (which means "stone" in Greek) reflects the needs of the domestic environment, or "Oikos" as it was known in ancient Greece, but from a technological perspective. People's living environments are particularly important in an increasingly crowded and complex world where the need for inclusiveness and connectivity with the rest of the world is key. PETRA addresses the fact that, as people grow older, they will increasingly rely on technology to be able to stay in their homes.
The conference attracted paper submissions from 15 countries, which underwent a thorough reviewing process; 32 of these were accepted as full papers and 14 as short papers. The Petra Technical Program includes also the 6 following workshops with additional 36 papers.
W1 ABRA - Affect and Behaviour Related Assistance in Support for the Elderly
W2 AHETA - Assistive Healthcare & Educational Technologies for special tArget groups
W3 RAALS - Robotics and Automation in Assistive Living Systems
W4 MEAAE - Multimedia Event Analysis for Assistive Environments
W5 NANOHEALTH - Nanoengineering and Nanomputing Applications for Pervasive Health Environments of the Future
W6 PSPAE - Privacy and Security in Pervasive e-Health and Assistive Environments
Conference and workshop papers will appear in the PETRA Conference proceedings published by ACM. Poster papers will appear in a special section of the CD proceedings.
Organized by: The University of Texas at Αrlington, Arlington, Texas, USA
With sponsorship from:
The National Science Foundation (NSF), CISE-Human Centered Computing, USA
University of Central Greece (Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics Dept), GREECE
Technological Educational Institution of Athens (Department of Informatics) GREECE
DEMOKRITOS National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR), GREECE
Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW), GREECE
Ionian University, GREECE
Laboratory on Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing, Ionian University, GREECE
Hellenic Telecommunication Organization (OTE), GREECE
Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW), AUSTRIA
HERACLEIA Human Centered Computing Laboratory at UTA, USA
College of Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Software Engineering Research Center, UTA, USA
Conference Proceedings Sponsored by:
ACM - Association for Computing Machinery

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